Dorothy Chisare is a Research Officer within the Department of Health Policy. She has a background in Epidemiology and Public Health with experience in mixed methods research, social and behavioural change communication, HIV/AIDS, TB, maternal and child health research. She has worked on regional maternal and child health programmes and research capacity building in Africa with the Consortium for Advanced Research and Training in Africa (CARTA). Before joining LSE, she was a World Health Organization (WHO) Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) Research Fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, where her research evaluated the readiness of the Zimbabwean health system to implement a newer, short-course TB preventive therapy innovation in health care facilities.
Dorothy is currently a part of the LSE team working on the African Health Observatory – Platform on Health Systems and Policies (AHOP). Hosted by the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO), AHOP leverages existing national and regional collaborations to form a network of National Centres that currently include leading research institutions in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Senegal. AHOP draws on support from a technical consortium including the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, LSE and national, regional and global partners.