About our MPhil/PhD programme
MPhil/PhD International Relations
The Department of International Relations provides supervision across the discipline for research leading to a PhD degree. Applicants are required to have a master's degree in a subject relevant to their proposed research with a high merit (65% or above) including a high merit in the dissertation (65% or above). Applications which do not meet these criteria (or do not expect to do so on completion of any pending qualifications) are not considered eligible.
We encourage research projects which will expand and diversify the research profile of the Department. Please check our People page to see whether the Department has supervision capacity and expertise to take on your research project.
We welcome applications from high quality students from all geographic regions. We are especially interested in receiving applications from UK BAME students and encourage all self-identifying BAME applicants of UK nationality to participate in the Attaining Comprehensive Equality in Postgraduate Research Initiative (ACE PGR Initiative). By participating in this scheme, you will be entitled to a waiver of the application assessment fee. In addition, you will benefit from a contextualised admissions process, a 15-minute pre-interview session if you are invited to an interview, and tailored admissions feedback if your application is unsuccessful.
If you have questions about the provisions of the ACE PGR Initiative, please contact ir.research@lse.ac.uk.
Programme structure
In the first year, MPhil/PhD students are required to attend the Methods in International Relations Research Training Seminar (IR501) which explores the theoretical and practical problems associated with a piece of major research. Study concentrates on epistemological and theoretical issues, with special reference to the context and literature of international relations, and time is also devoted to problems arising from source materials, methodology and normative dilemmas. The aim is to train well-rounded academic professionals, who are able to comprehend, critically interrogate, and engage with scholarship employing diverse methodological toolkits.
Students are also required to take assessed courses to the combined value of one unit from the range of quantitative and qualitative research methods topics listed on the Graduate Prospectus page.
All MPhil/PhD students at LSE are initially registered with MPhil status. Continued re-registration and upgrade are dependent on satisfactory progress being made.
Progress will be reviewed in the first and second year by a Research Panel made up of members of academic staff, other than the supervisor. Students are normally upgraded to PhD status by the end of the first year, and no later than 18 months after initial registration. Students in their third year are required to submit an annual progress report with a timeline to completion.
Visit the Graduate Prospectus page for more details on supervision, progression and assessment requirements.
Research community and research students
The Department is able to offer supervision in a variety of specialist areas, and, with its research centres and over 30 current research students, provides a vibrant and rich research community.
During the course of the programme, research students will be affiliated with and required to attend/contribute to at least one of the Department’s four research clusters: International Institutions, Law and Ethics; Theory/Area/History; International Political Economy; Security and Statecraft.
Students will also find it beneficial to get involved and contribute to the operation of Millennium: Journal of International Studies, the highly-ranked postgraduate student-run journal. Millennium is always open to new members, each editorial board meeting offers students the very rare opportunity to read a submitted manuscript and to hear what peer-reviewers have said about the piece. Millennium also runs a prestigious annual conference in mid/late October.
PhD recent completions
PhD Job Market
Teaching requirement
Undergraduate teaching is a compulsory component of the PhD training. Each PhD student will be required to undertake some paid teaching for one year during the four years of their PhD. You will be remunerated for any teaching you carry out in the Department. The expectation in the Department of International Relations is that you will teach two undergraduate classes on a 1st or 2nd year course, for one year during your doctoral studies, either in the second or third year to fit around your studies. The timing of the teaching requirement should be discussed with your supervisor(s) in your first year.
There are a number of opportunities to support the development of your teaching, both through Department and Eden Centre led induction sessions, and ongoing support and training courses delivered by the Eden Centre and the GTA Portal.
What does a career in Research in International Relations look like?
Hear from PhD Alumni about the diverse range of careers that research studies in the field of International Relations (IR) can lead to:
Dr Victor Bojbov is Head of Cooperation in the Delegation of the European Union in Azerbaijan:
Dr Giovanni Angioni is Head of Government Social Research Strategy at the HM Treasury:
Dr Kiran Phull is Assistant Professor in IR, Department of War studies at King’s College, London:
Dr Marnie Howlett is Lecturer in Politics, Oxford:
How to apply to join our PhD programme

Download or print the timeline above [PDF]
Full information on how to apply
Please read the information below before you begin the online application so that you have all the necessary documents ready for consideration.
Completing your application
Your application must include:
- a CV
- a personal statement
- details of academic achievement (including existing and pending qualifications with transcripts)
- 2 academic references
- sample of written work
- a research proposal of up to 4,000 words
Your research proposal should give:
- details of the particular topic to be addressed
- relevant literature and previous research in the field
- the theoretical/conceptual framework to be adopted
- the proposed research question(s)
- the planned research methods to answer the research question(s)
This will enable the Department to make an informed decision about the proposal and, equally important, to establish if there is appropriate supervision within the Department. One supervisor is normally identified at this stage.
See the LSE guide with further information on supporting documents.
Application checklist
Use the correct application code
M1ZR MPhil/PhD in International Relations OR
M1ER for Visiting Research Students (VRS) programme
Do you meet the minimum requirements?
The minimum entry requirements for this programme are a 2:1 bachelor’s degree, plus Master’s degree marks equivalent to an LSE high merit grade (+ 65%), preferably in International Relations or in a subject relevant to your proposed research, with an overall average of 65% (or equivalent) and 65 % in the dissertation (or equivalent). Applications which do not meet these criteria (or do not expect to do so on completion of any pending qualifications) are not considered eligible.
See information on international entry requirements - scroll down for country-specific information
Do you meet the English language requirements?
Applicants whose first language is not English, or who have not been taught entirely in English at degree level, are required to provide evidence of their English language ability. The most common qualifications are the IELTS or TOEFL tests.
Applicants do not need to have the required marks when they apply, but successful award of the qualification would form a condition of any offer issued and would have to be achieved before registration. For research level, candidates are expected to meet the research programmes requirement. See our English language requirements.
Identifying supervisors
The Department welcomes applications for research programmes that complement the academic interests of members of staff in the Department. We recommend that you investigate staff research interests and their availability before applying.
Please note:
- Prospective candidates for the MPhil/PhD in International Relations are not expected to contact potential supervisors in advance of their application. Due to the high volume of enquiries, potential supervisors are unlikely to be able to provide feedback on enquiries and outline proposals.
- Individual academic members of staff are not able to make commitments to supervise prospective students outside of the formal application process.
- You should name academics who have research interests which fit with yours in your personal statement so that they can be asked to consider your research proposal.
Part-time study
The MPhil/PhD is only available full-time.
Application and funding deadlines
Application will open in early October 2024 and close on 15 January 2025.
There are no separate applications for funding/scholarships. There is only one funding deadline for the MPhil/PhD in International Relations: 15 January 2025. Selection for funding is based on receipt of a complete application (including all supporting documents: transcripts and references) by the deadline. We are not able to accept any materials that arrive after the deadline; only complete applications supplied with all the required supporting information by 15 January 2025 will be considered. Given the volume of applications received every year, we strongly encourage our applicants to apply early: early applications have a greater chance of being successful and of meeting financial support/scholarship and visa deadlines.
Funding is allocated by nomination and you will automatically be considered for the award you are eligible for alongside all applications received by the deadline.
When will I hear the outcome of the application?
We aim to process all complete applications in a timely manner, however the application process for research programmes can take up to three months. This is to enable the Department to make an informed decision about your proposal and, equally important, to establish if there is appropriate supervision available for your research. All applications are reviewed by our PhD Sub-Committee which normally meets to review applications at the end of February once interviews have been carried out.
The Department interviews all shortlisted applicants before any offer of a place is made. Interviews normally take place across two weeks in February.
Programme start
Please note that students may only start their studies in the Department at the beginning of the Autumn Term (September). This is so that they can attend the compulsory research training courses and follow the programme cycle in their first year.
1. Where can I check the equivalence of my non-UK qualifications?
The Student Recruitment Office provides information aimed at prospective applicants coming from outside the UK. It includes information on international entry requirements, just scroll down and click on the country of your choice.
2. Should I contact potential supervisors before I apply?
Before applying you should ensure that your research area can be supervised in the Department. Our People webpage and individual staff profiles clearly outline the research interests of faculty, and whether they are able to take on PhD students.
You are welcome to contact prospective supervisors, but because of the high volume of enquiries, we cannot guarantee an answer.
If you feel that one of the academics in the Department has interests that fit with yours, you should name them in your application and they would normally be asked to consider your research proposal. You should indicate if you have discussed your proposed research with any member of faculty and give the name of that person so they are automatically consulted.
3. Do you offer distance learning?
Our programme requires regular attendance at the LSE during the course of your programme, to attend courses, supervisory meetings and research cluster seminars, so we cannot offer distance learning. In exceptional circumstances, students may be granted permission to reside outside the UK while continuing their research programme but this is usually not granted before the final year.
Please see Regulations for Research Degrees on the linked page for information on study time away from the School.
4. Can I apply for an MPhil programme rather than a PhD?
There is no separate MPhil programme. The MPhil/PhD International Relations is intended for students wishing to complete a PhD. All students are initially registered as MPhil students and are upgraded to PhD status upon meeting the upgrade requirements at the end of the first year.
Students who do not wish to complete their PhDs or whose work is not of PhD standard, may elect to submit an MPhil thesis instead.
Further details of alternative master's programmes.
The MPhil/PhD International Relations is part of the group of accredited programmes for ESRC funding and the Department can normally nominate one candidate for an ESRC 3.5 award each year (see eligibility and prior training requirements here).
The programme is also eligible for LSE PhD Studentships.
One LSE and Cato Stonex PhD Studentship is available for a Home UK student working on the topic of ‘China and Digital IR’ or ‘Digital IR’. The studentship covers tuition fees and a living costs stipend. The successful candidate will contribute 7h a week (during term time) to the work of LSE IDEAS, LSE’s Foreign Policy think tank. This scholarship is funded by a generous donation from Mr Cato Stonex (LSE BSc International Relations 1986).
LSE's Financial Support Office administers a variety of studentships and award schemes for which different deadlines apply. There are also other funding opportunities available through organisations or governments and we recommend you investigate the options listed on our External Funding Sources document [PDF]. The LSE Financial Support Office also provides a list of external funding providers and additional scholarships.
Visiting Research Student (VRS) scheme allows research students registered at an overseas university to spend up to 3 terms in the Department of International Relations to undertake some aspect of their research in the UK.
How to apply to the VRS programme
The procedure and requirements are the same as for the MPhil/PhD. Please refer to the 'How to Apply' section above. Please ensure you use the correct code: M1ER- Visiting Research International Relations.
Contact us
All enquiries should be addressed to the PhD Team:
Sarah Hélias and Amy Brook at ir.research@lse.ac.uk