The economics of skyscrapers: A synthesis. Gabriel M.Ahlfeldt, Jason Barr, Journal of Urban Economics. Volume 129, May 2022, 103419
Carozzi, F. "Political fragmentation and government stability: evidence from local governments in Spain." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2022 (with Davide Cipullo, and Luca Repetto)
Pietrostefani, E., Dabaj, J., Sleiman, Y., Jallad M., Maassarani S., and Charalambous E., (2022) Assessing Vulnerabilities for Urban Recovery Solutions. University College London and CatalyticAction.
Crescenzi, R., De Filippis, F., Giua, M., Vaquero Pineiro, C. "Geographical indications and local development: the strength of territorial embeddedness", Regional Studies, 56:3, 381-393, 2022 [OPEN ACCESS]
Bruno, R.L., Crescenzi, R., Estrin, S. et al.(2022) "Multinationals, innovation, and institutional context: IPR protection and distance effects". Journal of International Business Studies, 2022.
Crescenzi, R., Dyèvre, A., & Neffke, F. (2022) "Innovation Catalysts: How Multinationals Reshape the Global Geography of Innovation", Economic Geography, 98:3, 199-227
Crescenzi, R., Giua, M., Sonzogno, G.V. "Mind the Covid-19 crisis: An evidence-based implementation of Next Generation EU", Journal of Policy Modeling, 2021, 43(2), pp. 278–297 [OPEN ACCESS]
Crescenzi, R., Ganau, R., Storper, M. "Does foreign investment hurt job creation at home? The geography of outward FDI and employment in the USA", Journal of Economic Geography, 2021 [OPEN ACCESS]
Bailey, D., Crescenzi, R., Roller, E., Anguelovski, I., Datta, I., & Harrison, J. (2021) "Regions in Covid-19 recovery", Regional Studies, 55:12, 1955-1965, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2021.2003768 [OPEN ACCESS]
Crescenzi, R., Di Cataldo, M., Giua, M. "FDI inflows in Europe: Does investment promotion work?", Journal of International Economics, Volume 132, September 2021, 103497 [OPEN ACCESS]
Iddawela, Y., Lee, N., & Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2021). Quality of sub-national government and regional development in Africa. The Journal of Development Studies, 57(8), 1282-1302.
Davide Rigo, Multinational Production and Investment Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements (with Sébastien Miroudot), Journal of Economic Geography, 2021.
“Building the City: from Slums to the Modern Metropolis,” with T. Regan and A. Venables, Review of Economic Studies, 2021, 88, 1157-1192
“Colonial Legacies: Shaping African Cities,” with N. Baruah and C. Peng, Journal of Economic Geography, 2021, 21, 29-65.
Hilber, C.A.L., J. Rouwendal & W. Vermeulen. 2021. “Local Economic Conditions and the Nature of New Housing Supply,” Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 22(3), 339-366. (Lead article)
Cortinovis, N., Crescenzi, R., Van Oort, F. "Multinational enterprises, industrial relatedness and employment in European regions", Journal of Economic Geography, 2020, 20(5), pp. 1165–1205 [OPEN ACCESS]
Crescenzi R., De Blasio G. and Giua M. “Cohesion Policy Incentives for Collaborative Industrial Research. The Evaluation of a Smart Specialisation Forerunner Programme”, Regional Studies, 2020, 54(10), 1341–1353 [OPEN ACCESS]
Crescenzi R. Fratesi U. and Monastiriotis V. "Back to the Member States? Cohesion Policy and the national challenges to the European Union" , Regional Studies, 2020, 54(1), 5–9 [OPEN ACCESS]
Crescenzi R. and Giua M. "One or many Cohesion Policies of the European Union? On the differential economic impacts of Cohesion Policy across Member States", Regional Studies, 2020, 54(1), 10–20 [OPEN ACCESS]
Crescenzi, R., Di Cataldo, M., Giua, M. "It's not about the money. EU funds, local opportunities, and Euroscepticism", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2020, 84, 103556 [OPEN ACCESS]
Carozzi, F. "Credit constraints and the composition of housing sales. Farewell to first-time buyers?." Journal of the European Economic Association 2020
Pietrostefani, E. & Holman, N.(2020) The politics of conservation planning: a comparative study of urban heritage making in the Global North and the Global South, Progress in Planning, 100505
Hilber, C.A.L. & O. Schöni. 2020. “On the Economic Impacts of Constraining Second Home Investments,” Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 118, #103266.
Olmo Silva (2020). 'Tales of the City: What Do Agglomeration Cases Tell Us About Agglomeration in General?’ (with G. Faggio and W. Strange); Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 20(5), pp. 1117-1143
Lee, N., & Clarke, S. (2019). Do low-skilled workers gain from high-tech employment growth? High-technology multipliers, employment and wages in Britain. Research Policy, 48(9), 103803.
Ahlfeldt, G. & Pietrostefani, E. (2019) The economic effects of density: a synthesis, Journal of Urban Economics, 111, 93-107.
Tall Buildings and Land Values: Height and Construction Cost Elasticities in Chicago, 1870–2010 Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt, Daniel P. McMillen. The Review of Economics and Statistics (2018) 100 (5): 861–875.
Henderson, J, V. “The Global Distribution of Economic Activity: Nature, History, and the Role of Trade,” with T. Squires, A. Storeygard and D. Weil, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2018, 133, 1, 357-406.
Holman, N., Mossa, A. and Pani, E. (2018) ‘Planning, value(s) and the market: An analytic for ‘what comes next?’’ Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 50(3): 608–626.
P. Cheshire. ‘Empty homes, longer commutes: the unintended consequences of more restrictive local planning’, the Journal of Public Economics, 158, 126-151, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2017.12.006 (with Christian Hilber and Hans Koster)
Olmo Silva (2018). 'Mortgage Debt and Entrepreneurship' (with P. Bracke and C. Hilber); Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 103(1), pp. 52-66
Olmo Silva (2017). ‘Neighbourhood Turnover and Teenage Attainment’ (with S. Gibbons and F. Weinhardt); Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 15(4), pp. 746-783
Olmo Silva (2017). Heterogeneous Agglomeration' (with G. Faggio and W. Strange); Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 99(1), pp. 80-94, 2017.
Hilber, C.A.L. & W. Vermeulen. 2016. “The Impact of Supply Constraints on House Prices in England,” Economic Journal, Vol. 126, No. 591, 358-405.
P. Cheshire (2015). ‘Land Use Regulation and Productivity – Land Matters: Evidence from a UK supermarket chain’, Journal of Economic Geography, 15, 1, 43-73, 2015. doi: 10.1093/jeg/lbu007. (with C. Hilber and I. Kaplanis)
Hilber, C.A.L. & T.M. Turner. 2014. “The Mortgage Interest Deduction and its Impact on Homeownership Decisions,” Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 96, No. 4, 618-637.
P. Cheshire. Urban Economics and Urban Policy: Challenging conventional policy wisdom, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 238, 2014. (with M.A. Nathan and H.G. Overman)
Olmo Silva (2014). 'Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship in Urban and Rural Labour Markets' (with G. Faggio); Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 83(1), pp. 67-85, 2014.
P. Cheshire (2008). ‘Office Space Supply Restrictions in Britain: The Political Economy of Market Revenge’ Economic Journal, 118, (June) F185-F221, 2008. (with C. Hilber)