This panel will explore the upcoming French presidential election.
With 2017 upstart Emmanuel Macron now the incumbent, the 2022 presidential election has taken place during a time of crisis in Europe and the world. Our panel will discuss the candidates, the issues, and what it means for French and European politics as President Macron seeks to secure a second term.
Meet our speakers and chair.
Marta Lorimer (@_mlorimer) is a LSE Fellow in European Politics. Prior to joining the European Institute, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Exeter. She has also held visiting positions at Forum MIDEM at TU Dresden and at the Centre d’Etudes Européennes in Sciences Po Paris. Marta’s research focuses on far right politics and differentiated integration in the European Union.
Rainbow Murray (@RainbowMurray) is a Professor of Politics at Queen Mary University of London, and a co-convenor of the Political Studies Association's French Politics Group. Rainbow has been fascinated by French politics for more than two decades and has published widely in this area, as well as editing special issues of French Politics on the 2007 elections and Parliamentary Affairs on the 2012 elections. She provides regular commentary on French politics for various media outlets and the Economist Intelligence Unit. Rainbow is also an expert on gender, diversity and representation, with particular interests in the role of gender in elections, parliaments and national executives. Her current projects include a book looking at gendered representation in the French parliament.
Christine Ockrent (@Ockrent) is a journalist and former chief operating officer of France 24 and RFI. She was also editor in chief of the weekly news magazine L'Express. She produces and anchors a weekly radio program on foreign affairs, “Affaires Etrangères”, on France Culture public radio. She is a regular contributor to the BBC and other TV and radio networks. She writes regularly on French, European and international issues for various European publications.
Chris Anderson (@soccerquant) is Professor in European Politics and Policy. A student of political behaviour, Anderson’s research has centred on the micro-foundations of markets and democracy. Past research projects have investigated the popularity of governments, the dynamics of public opinion about European integration, and people’s satisfaction with democracy.
More about this event
The LSE European Institute (@LSEEI) is a centre for research and graduate teaching on the processes of integration and fragmentation within Europe. In the most recent national Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) the Institute was ranked first for research in its sector.
This year the LSE European Institute is celebrating its 30th Anniversary. The European Institute has been at the forefront of study and research on Europe for three decades and will be running a series of special events to mark the occasion.
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