Pak Yin Choi

Class of 2022, MSc European and International Public Policy

Pak Yin is an Early Careers Trainee for the China Action at the World Economic Forum.

The rationality instilled in me during my time at the EI guides my work, particularly in the field of climate diplomacy. I strongly believe that trust-building is fundamental to successful climate cooperation.


Pak Yin Choi

To me, choosing the MSc in European and International Public Policy (EIPP) programme at the European Institute (EI) was a deliberate step towards unlocking a world of intellectual rigour. During my time at the EI, I had the privilege of being guided by mentors who introduced me to the complexities of critical thinking and rational analysis. With an eagerness to develop a career in global governance and climate policy, their wisdom became my compass, directing me towards disciplined research focused on the significance of trust in climate diplomacy between the EU and China. The EIPP programme emphasized evidence-based reasoning and strategic thinking, cultivating in me an objective mindset to navigate the complexities of climate cooperation.

The culmination of my studies at the EI was my masters dissertation titled “The Role of Trusting Relations in Climate Diplomacy: An Empirical Analysis on Climate Cooperation between the EU and China”. Under the guidance of my supervisor, Dr Mareike Kleine, I delved into the dynamics of climate diplomacy and the critical role trust plays in fostering cooperation between these influential global actors. This research solidified my understanding of how trust-building efforts shape climate negotiations and promote long-term collaboration.

Following the completion of my master’s degree, I gained practical experience through an internship as an Environment Affairs Intern at the United Nations Environment Programme. There, I actively contributed to policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation, and provided technical support for initiatives focused on green economic transition, funded by European governments and other important donors. This hands-on experience allowed me to witness first-hand the challenges and opportunities that arise in the pursuit of climate cooperation.

Today, as I continue my professional journey, I carry with me the invaluable insights gained from the EI. The rationality instilled in me during my time at the EI guides my work, particularly in the field of climate diplomacy. I strongly believe that trust-building is fundamental to successful climate cooperation. In my current role as an Early Careers Trainee for the China Action at the World Economic Forum, I am grateful to be part of the organizing team for the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC23) in Tianjin, China. This multifaceted position allows me to advance ambitious climate goals by advocating for evidence-based decision-making, shaping strategic agendas, and nurturing trusting relationships. Moreover, I had the privilege of serving as a whispered interpreter, translating Mandarin to English during an invitation-only, multilateral session focused on redesigning land use during AMNC23. This opportunity further underscores the significance of my role in facilitating international cooperation.

The EI stands as a testament to the power of rationality in shaping careers and transforming lives. Like a conductor guiding an orchestra, the institute equipped me with the tools and perspectives to navigate the complex world of climate diplomacy. I am immensely grateful for the lasting influence of the EI, which has shaped my rational approach as I strive to make a positive impact in the realm of climate cooperation.

Pak Yin is happy to connect on LinkedIn.