Outputs and Impact

Practical research with a policy focus

The Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa conducts research with direct policy implications for governments, intergovernmental organisations and NGOs. Based on empirical evidence and thorough analysis, its targeted policy campaigns strive to make real impact through clear recommendations.

Our research strives to make real-world impact to governments, NGOs and multilateral organisations through evidenced-based research and with clear recommendations.

FLIA is a leader in bridging rigorous academic research, policy, and practice both within and outside Africa. From advising medical professionals on de-worming programs and epidemics to briefing UK ministers on strengthening trade with Africa, colleagues at FLIA are skilled at navigating the often-challenging relationship between academia, policy making and evidence-based practice. Below is a showcase of FLIA’s policy engagements, briefs, critical papers, and activities undertaken by the Institute across the research, engagement, and trade programmes.

Centre for Public Authority and International Development

Research at the Centre for Public Authority and International Development (CPAID) has direct implications for governments, intergovernmental organisations, NGOs and courts of law. Based on empirical evidence, its researchers make real-world impact through clear recommendations, expert reports and policy-oriented workshops. View policy briefs and evidence submissions below.

Website: CPAID impact (lse.ac.uk) 


Pandemics & Epidemics 


African Trade Policy Programme

The African Trade Policy Programme brings together international expertise on African trade policy, trade negotiations and trade policy implementation to better leverage trade as a vehicle for inclusive development. The programme team has extensive experience in working with countries, development partners and international organisations across trade policy research, design, innovation and implementation. At its heart is the desire to make trade policy work better for Africa.


PERISCOPE was a large-scale research project involving a consortium of 32 European institutions to investigate the social, economic, behavioural and mental health-related aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.    

The project ran for 36 months from 1 November 2020 to 31 October 2023

Visit the LSE PERISCOPE page or the external PERISCOPE website for more information. 

Ethnographies of (dis)engagement: Understanding Vaccine Rejection in Chronically Neglected Communities across the G7 project

International Norms: Mapping and comparing fundamental rights and freedoms currently protected in Muslim majority societies project

The aim of the project is to map and compare fundamental rights and freedoms currently protected under the Afghan Constitution with Islamic teaching, traditions and texts in Afghanistan and elsewhere, with a view to identifying possible points of convergence in relation to the promotion and protection of those rights in Afghanistan going forward. 

Website International Norms project (lse.ac.uk)  

Localised Evidence and Decision-Making (LEAD) project

Broadly, the project seeks to identify evidence needs of public health practitioners and explore how perceived challenges may impede the use of evidence when implementing global health interventions in their localities. 

Selected policy briefs and critical papers  

GCRF Gender, Justice, and Security Hub (sits within WPS which is now located in FLIA)

The Hub research focuses on gender-justice, inclusive security, and peace in conflict-affected societies working with 40 partner organisations around the world. The Hub has mainly prioritised policy lab workshops as its’ primary activity.  

Trajectories of Displacement

The Trajectories of Displacement project is a multi-disciplinary exploration into return and social repair after mass displacement in Northern Uganda. The research produced the following policy recommendations:

Community-based armed groups

Community-Based Armed Groups (CBAGs) are armed groups embedded within communities such as vigilantes, militias and criminal gangs. While these groups have been found to engage in political violence on behalf of their sponsors and to commit crimes for self-motivated reasons, in many contexts, including parts of sub-Saharan Africa, they are also among the main providers of local security. See our policy documents on CBAGs below.

Uganda's Ebola response and preparedness

FLIA researchers have published on Uganda’s response to the 2018 Ebola outbreak at its border with the DRC. Co-written by FLIA Visiting Professor Grace Akello and FLIA Investigator Professor Duncan Green, the brief provides clear recommendations for future epidemic outbreaks.

Based on ethnographic studies over 12 months, the brief reports that the response to Ebola was uncoordinated, chaotic and over-bureaucratic, with little tangible benefit on the ground, supported by international donors who influenced the neglect of vital areas in the Ugandan government’s response.

  • Akello, G. & Green, D. (2020). Preparedness, heightened response and systems strengthening for Ebola in Uganda.
    Read the policy brief here