Demanding a 'just recovery' from below: the role of grassroots accountability activism in safeguarding labour migrants' rights in the pandemic era

The driving question is not whether social movements matter in or for social policy, but under which circumstances and due to what factors movements’ ideas and actions influence and inform social policy and broader socio-political processes.

Dr Armine Ishkanian



Project in the Movements, Policy and the Politics of Inequality theme within the Politics of Inequality research programme 

What are the opportunities and limitations for grassroots accountability activism to assert the political potentials for a 'just recovery' for labour migrants in post-Covid Nepal? This project seeks to examine this overarching question. Using the Covid-19 disaster as a site of political possibility, the project will draw on the perspectives and experiences of labour migrants, youth activists and volunteers to understand the potential of grassroots activism in challenging intersecting inequalities facing labour migrants in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis in Nepal.



Dr Nimesh Dhungana
Lecturer, Disasters and Global Health at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI), University of Manchester 

Dr Flora Cornish
Associate Professor, Department of Methodology, LSE   

Kripa Basnyat
Atlantic Fellow for Social and Economic Equity and Gender, Rights and Policy Expert, Nepal

Narayan Adhikari
Co-Founder and South Asia Director, Accountability Lab, Nepal