My MSc year at the LSE was incredibly intense; it was both demanding and — at least with the benefit of hindsight — lots of fun. I worked hard, and it wasn’t always easy to satisfyingly divide my time between the economics and the philosophy part of my degree. I’d nevertheless recommend this degree to anyone who is philosophically inclined, but has a strong background and is interested in economics as well. To me, what made the MSc effort worthwhile is not so much the fact that I’ve discovered that I am willing and able to perform under pressure, nor is it the fact that I’ve grown intellectually thanks to some first-rate teachers. What instead stands out most prominently is the fact that I’ve met fellow students whom I still call close friends today. For the first time in my life, I was amongst people who were interested in the same issues as I am, and who were similarly convinced that these issues are fascinating partly because they lack simple and clear-cut solutions. It is this fact that made me want to stay at the LSE, and pursue a PhD in philosophy here.