PAKISTAN: Afghan Refugees, Identity-Making & State Policy
Wednesday | 27 November 2024 | ONLINE
3pm UK / 7.30pm Afghanistan / 8pm Pakistan
An online panel discussion on media narratives of Afghan refugees in Pakistan and the government's recent enforcement of forced repatriation, focused on the recently published Afghan Refugees, Pakistani Media and the State: The Missing Peace (2024).
SPEAKERS: Dr Sanaa Alimia (@SanaaAlimia) is Assistant Professor of Political Science, Aga Khan University, London, and author of Refugee Cities: How Afghans Changed Urban Pakistan (2022); Dr Syed Irfan Ashraf (@syedirfanashraf) is Assistant Professor of Journalism & Mass Communications, University of Peshawar, and author of The Dark Side of Journalism: The Culture and Political Economy of Global Media in Pakistan and Afghanistan (2023); Dr Ayesha Jehangir (@zubaan_daraz) is Lecturer in Journalism & Communication, University of New South Wales, Sydney, currently Research Fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin and author of Afghan Refugees, Pakistani Media and the State: The Missing Peace (2024); Dr Sonja Kretzschmar (@kretzschmar_s) is Professor of Innovation in Journalism, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, and co-editor of Innovation in Journalism: Theories, Methods, Potential? (in German, Innovationen im Journalismus: Theoren -- Methoden -- Potenziale?, 2024).
DISCUSSANT: Dr Omar al-Ghazzi (@omar_alghazzi) is Associate Professor of Media & Communications, LSE, specialising in the geopolitics of global communications, especially in relation to news media and popular culture.
CHAIR: Dr Nilanjan Sarkar is Deputy Director, LSE South Asia Centre (@SAsiaLSE).
This event is part of our 'Fact & Fiction' series.
Please e-mail southasiacentre@lse.ac.uk to register free for the event; the livestream link will be sent to all registered attendees on the day of the event.