Strengthening Religious Cooperation in Global London

A one year project exploring the the multi-religious landscape of Global London

Our research team spent the year working with grassroots communities and city-wide interfaith networks to investigate how cross-community engagement is adapting for the challenges of the post-covid era.

Interfaith Beyond the Pandemic thumbnail portrait

Interfaith Beyond the Pandemic: from London Communities to Global Identities

Download the full report here

A one-year KEI project funded by LSE.

This project worked with grassroots faith communities and city-wide interfaith networks to investigate how and why interfaith initiatives succeed and fail. Our focus was on difficult engagement with sections of faith communities who tend to be wary of, or hostile to, interfaith dialogue.

To respond to the ongoing COVID—19 pandemic we adapted this project with a greater focus on a) online spaces of religious community and worship and b) challenged notions of authority and legitimacy between the state and religious communities.

Through this research we investigated the tensions involved in promoting interfaith cooperation in London and the positive outcomes of such dialogue for the city’s social and community cohesion.

The report can be accessed here.

A recording of our launch event can be accessed here.