Graduate course guides 2023/24

Page contents > AC | AN | DV | EC | EH | EU | FM | GI | GV | GY | HP | HY | IR | LL | MA | MC | MG | MY | PB | PH | PP | SO | SP | ST


AC411 Accounting, Strategy and Control

AC412 Accountability, Organisations and Risk Management

AC415 Management Accounting for Decision Making

AC416 Topics in Financial Reporting

AC417 Corporate Financial Disclosure and Investor Relations

AC424 Accounting, Organisations and Institutions

AC425 MSc Accounting, Organisations and Institutions: Pre-sessional course

AC444 Valuation and Security Analysis

AC470 Accounting in the Global Economy

AC480 Quantitative Methods in Accounting and Finance

AC490 Management Accounting, Decisions and Control

AC491 Financial Accounting, Reporting and Disclosure

AC493 Financial and Management Accounting for Managerial Decision Making

AC494 Dissertation in Accounting, Organisations and Institutions

AC495 Dissertation in Economics of Accounting

AC499 Dissertation


AN402 The Anthropology of Religion

AN404 Anthropology: Theory and Ethnography

AN405 The Anthropology of Kinship, Sex and Gender

AN419 The Anthropology of Christianity

AN420 The Anthropology of Southeast Asia

AN424 The Anthropology of Melanesia

AN436 The Anthropology of Development

AN442 Supervised Reading Course and Fieldwork Preparation

AN443 Research Proposal

AN444 Investigating the Philippines - New Approaches and Ethnographic Contexts

AN447 China in Comparative Perspective

AN451 Anthropology of Politics

AN456 Anthropology of Economy (1): Production and Exchange

AN457 Anthropology of Economy (2): Transformation and Globalisation

AN458 Children and Youth in Contemporary Ethnography

AN463 Borders and Boundaries: Ethnographic Approaches

AN467 The Anthropology of South Asia

AN469 The Anthropology of Amazonia

AN471 Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Anthropologists

AN472 Evidence and Arguments in Anthropology and Other Social Sciences

AN475 The Anthropology of Revolution

AN476 Anthropology and the Anthropocene

AN477 Topics in the Anthropology of sub-Saharan Africa

AN479 Anthropology of Law

AN480 Public Anthropology

AN481 Health and Welfare: Anthropological Perspectives

AN482 Bangladesh and Beyond: Anthropological Perspectives

AN483 Anthropology, Art, and Poetics

AN484 Anthropological Approaches to Race, Racism, and Decolonisation

AN486 Research Methods in Anthropology

AN492 Anthropological Entanglements in the Middle East

AN493 Language, Signs, World, Action! Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology

AN497 Dissertation: Religion in the Contemporary World

AN498 Dissertation- MSc China in Comparative Perspective

AN499 Dissertation


DV400 Development: History, Theory and Policy

DV407 Poverty

DV410 Research Design and Dissertation in International Development

DV411 Population and Development: an Analytical Approach

DV413 Environmental Problems and Development Interventions

DV415 Global Environmental Governance

DV418 African Development

DV420 Complex Emergencies

DV421 Critical Perspectives on Global Health and Development

DV423 Global Political Economy of Development

DV424 International Institutions and Late Development

DV428 Managing Humanitarianism

DV431 Development Management

DV432 China in Developmental Perspective

DV433 The Informal Economy and Development

DV434 Human Security

DV435 African Political Economy

DV442 Key Issues in Development Studies

DV443 Development Management Consultancy Project

DV444 Global Health Challenges: Epidemics, Disease, and Public Health Response

DV445 Cutting Edge Issues in Development Thinking & Practice

DV447 Youth and Gendered Violence

DV453 International Development Consultancy Project

DV454 Gender, labour markets and social change in the Global South: theory, evidence, public action

DV455 Advocacy, Campaigning and Grassroots Activism

DV456 Population, Health and Development: Evidence and Projections

DV457 Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes: Design, Implementation and Evaluation

DV458 Key issues in Global Health and Development

DV460 Bayesian Reasoning for Qualitative Social Science: A modern approach to case study inference

DV461 Critical Population Health Issues in High and Middle-Income Countries

DV462 Forced Migration and Refugees

DV463 Civil society, security and development

DV464 Democracy and Development

DV465 Global Health Work: Expertise and Labour

DV466 Humanitarian Consultancy Project

DV472 Covid-19 pandemic: health, socio-economic and political implications for development (Special Topics in International Development)

DV476 Population Analysis: Methods and Models

DV477 Rural Livelihoods, Development and Agrarian Transformation

DV480 Transforming Society: Revolutions, Evolutions and Colonialism

DV483 Information Communication Technologies and Socio-economic Development

DV490 Economic Development Policy I: Applied Policy Analysis for Macroeconomic Development

DV491 Economic Development Policy II: Microeconomic Analysis

DV492 Economic Development Policy III: Government Policy Analysis

DV493 Development Management

DV494 Foundations of Applied Econometrics for Economic Development Policy

DV495 Dissertation in Economic Development Policy


EC400 Introductory Course in Mathematics and Statistics

EC402 Econometrics

EC411 Microeconomics

EC413 Macroeconomics

EC417 Advanced Macroeconomics

EC421 International Economics

EC423 Labour Economics

EC424 Monetary Economics and Aggregate Fluctuations

EC426 Public Economics

EC427 The Economics of Industry

EC428 Development and Growth

EC441 Microeconomics for MRes students

EC442 Macroeconomics for MRes students

EC443 Econometrics for MRes students

EC451 Introductory Course for MSc EME

EC452E Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery and Policy

EC453 Political Economy

EC465 Economic Growth, Development, and Capitalism in Historical Perspective

EC475 Quantitative Economics

EC476 Contracts and Organisations

EC484 Econometric Analysis

EC485 Further Topics in Econometrics

EC486 Econometric Methods

EC487 Advanced Microeconomics

EC4B5 Macroeconomics for MSc F&E

EC4B6 Microeconomics for MSc F&E


EH401 Historical Analysis of Economic Change

EH402 Quantitative Analysis in Economic History I

EH404 India and the World Economy

EH409 Chinese Economic History: Culture, Institutions and Economic Growth

EH413 African Economic Development in Historical Perspective

EH421 Economic History of Colonialism

EH426A Quantitative Analysis in Economic History II

EH426W Quantitative Analysis in Economic History II

EH427 Topics in Quantitative Analysis in Economic History

EH428 History of Economics: Making Political Economy into a Social Science

EH429 History of Economics: Ideas, Policy and Performativity

EH430 Monetary and Financial History

EH431 Women in Economic History

EH432 Economic History and Geography: Advanced Topics and Methods

EH436 Economic History of the Early Modern New World (The Americas)

EH437 History of Global Finance

EH438 History of Financial Markets

EH439 History of Banking Systems

EH441 Macroeconomic History

EH442 Labour Markets in Historical Perspective

EH443 The History of Premodern Money

EH444 Population Dynamics and Economic Growth: A Historical Perspective

EH446 Economic Development of East and Southeast Asia

EH448 Craft, Human Capital and Innovation in Europe, 1400-1800

EH449 History of Corporate Finance and Institutional Investment

EH452 Latin American Development and Economic History

EH463 The Long-Run Analysis of Firms and Industries

EH482 The Origins of the World Economy: Europe and Asia, 1000-1800

EH483 The Development and Integration of the World Economy in the 19th and 20th Centuries

EH496 Research Dissertation A: Contextualisation, Theory and Research Design

EH497 Research Dissertation B: Implementation, Analysis and Contribution

EH498 Dissertation

EH499 Research Dissertation


EU409 Basic Economic Concepts for European Political Economy

EU410 Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Design

EU421 Policy-Making in the European Union

EU430 Europeanization: The Comparative Politics of Domestic Change

EU432 The Philosophy of Europe

EU437 Europe Beyond Modernity

EU440 The Balkans in Europe: Transition, Democratisation, Integration

EU443 European Models of Capitalism

EU446 The Political Economy of European Monetary Integration

EU447 Democracy, Ideology and the European State

EU449 Emerging Markets, Political Transition and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe

EU450 Engaging with Europe: Professional Skills

EU453 The Political Economy of European Welfare States

EU455 Concepts in Political Economy

EU457 Culture and Security in Global Politics

EU458 Narrating Migration in a Global Europe

EU464 International Migration: EU Policies and Politics

EU467 The Political Economy of the Neoliberal State

EU468 The Political Economy of Migration in Europe

EU469 The Political Economy of Finance in Europe

EU470 How do we know? An introduction to research design and methods in political economy

EU475 Religion and Secularism, Diversity and Conflict in Europe: Identities, Religion, and Culture

EU476 Emotions and Memory in European Politics

EU477 Labour Markets and the Political Economy of Employment in Europe

EU478 The Culture of European Politics

EU481 The Future: Political Responses to a Challenge

EU482 Europe in World Trade

EU484 Europe's Role in Global Migration Governance

EU485 Post-Conflict Justice and Reconciliation in Europe and Beyond

EU486 Imagining Religious Violence, Imagining Europe

EU487 European Integration from a Global Governance Perspective

EU488 European Policy-Making and International Cooperation

EU489 Analytical Politics and Policymaking in Europe

EU490 Evidence and Analysis in Policy-Making

EU491 Political Economy in Theory and History

EU492 Political Economy of Integration and Fragmentation in Europe

EU494 International Migration and Immigration Management

EU495 Applied Policy Project

EU499 Dissertation

EU4A1 The Politics and Policies of 'Brexit': The UK's changing relationship with the European Union

EU4A2 Globalisation, Conflict and Post-Conflict Reconstruction

EU4A3 The Americas and Europe

EU4A4 The Politics of Inequality and Redistribution

EU4A5 People and Politics in Europe

EU4A6 Reconciliation and Crisis: Politics in Southern Europe

EU4A7 Political Economy of the Green Transition in Europe

EU4A8 Migration From Below: Theories and Lived Experiences of Borders

EU4A9 European Politics, Conflict and Culture: LSE-Columbia European Seminar

EU4B1 Political Elites, Leadership, and Decision-Making

EU4C9 Policy Incubator

EU4V9 Concepts in Political Science and Public Policy


FM402 Financial Risk Analysis

FM403 Management and Regulation of Risk

FM404 Advanced Financial Economics

FM405 Fixed Income Securities and Credit Markets

FM405E Fixed Income Securities and Credit Markets

FM406 Topics in Portfolio Management

FM406E Topics in Portfolio Management

FM407 Mergers, Buyouts and Corporate Restructurings

FM407E Mergers, Buyouts and Corporate Restructurings

FM408 Financial Engineering

FM408E Financial Engineering

FM409 Risk Management in Financial Markets

FM409E Risk Management in Financial Markets

FM410 Private Equity

FM411 Finance Work Placement and Assessment

FM412 Quantitative Security Analysis

FM413 Fixed Income Markets

FM414 Corporate Investment and Financial Policy

FM414E Private Equity, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Finance

FM421 Applied Corporate Finance

FM422 Corporate Finance

FM422E Corporate Finance

FM423 Asset Markets

FM423E Asset Markets

FM429 Asset Markets A

FM431A Corporate Finance A

FM431W Corporate Finance A

FM436 Financial Economics

FM437 Financial Econometrics

FM439 Asset Markets for MSc Risk and Finance

FM441 Derivatives

FM442 Quantitative Methods for Finance and Risk Analysis

FM445 Portfolio Management

FM447 Global Financial Systems

FM471 Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing

FM472 International Finance

FM473A Financial Markets

FM473W Financial Markets

FM474A Managerial Finance

FM474W Managerial Finance

FM475E Financial Management (modular)

FM476 Entrepreneurial Finance

FM477 International Finance A

FM481 Financial Econometrics for Research Students

FM482 Research paper in Finance

FM4T2 Applied Corporate Finance - Dissertation

FM4T5 Portfolio Management - Dissertation

FM4U1 Fixed Income Markets - Dissertation


GI402 Gender, Knowledge and Research Practice

GI403 Gender and Media Representation

GI407 Globalisation, Gender and Development

GI409 Gender, Globalisation and Development: An Introduction

GI410 Screening the 21st Century: Cinema and Cultural Critique

GI411 Gender, Post/coloniality and Development: Critical Perspectives and New Directions

GI413 Gender, Race and Militarisation

GI414 Theorising Gender and Social Policy

GI415 Gender and Welfare Regimes: Developments and Change

GI417 Feminist Population Politics

GI418 Feminist Economics and Policy: An Introduction

GI420 Global Development and Its Discontents: Feminist Perspectives

GI421 Sexuality, Gender and Culture

GI422 Transnational Sexual Politics

GI423 Globalisation and Sexuality

GI424 Gender Theories: An Interdisciplinary Approach

GI425 Introduction to Gender, Peace and Security

GI426 Gender and Human Rights

GI427 Advanced Issues in Gender, Peace and Security

GI428 Bodies, Culture and Politics

GI429 Archival Interventions: Feminist, Queer and Decolonial Approaches

GI430 Intersectional Inequalities in the Agro-Food System

GI499 Dissertation - Independent Research Project


GV439 Government and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe

GV441 States and Markets

GV454 Parties, Elections and Governments

GV477 Comparative Public Policy Change

GV481 Quantitative Analysis for Political Science

GV482 Political Science and Political Economy: Current Issues

GV483 Public Management Theory and Doctrine

GV488 Law and Politics of Regulation

GV498 Multiculturalism

GV499 Dissertation

GV4A2 Citizens' Political Behaviour in Europe: Elections Public Opinion and Identities

GV4A8 Political Violence and Terrorism

GV4B6 Kant's Political Philosophy

GV4B7 The Idea of Freedom

GV4B8 Civil Wars: Concepts and Cases

GV4B9 The Second Europe

GV4C8 Game Theory for Political Science

GV4C9 Globalization and Democratization in Southeast Asia

GV4D3 Local Power in an Era of Globalization, Democratization, and Decentralization

GV4D7 Dilemmas of Equality

GV4E1 Comparative Democratization in a Global Age

GV4E2 Capitalism and Democracy

GV4E3 Statebuilding and Self-Determination in Eastern Europe and Eurasia

GV4E8 Power Sharing and Institutional Design in Divided Societies

GV4E9 Approaches and Issues in Public Policy and Administration

GV4F2 Popular Politics in the Middle East

GV4F4 Policy Advice in Theory and Practice

GV4F5 Advanced Study of Key Political Thinkers

GV4F8 Institutions and Global Trade

GV4F9 The Challenges of Governance in sub-Saharan Africa

GV4G1 Applied Quantitative Methods for Public Policy and Political Science

GV4G7 Marx and Marxism

GV4H1 Chinese Political Thought

GV4H3 Feminist Political Theory

GV4H4 Foundations of Political Theory

GV4H5 The Political Philosophy of Environmental Change

GV4H6 Behavioural Political Economy

GV4J4 Citizen Representation and Democracy in the European Union

GV4J6 Game Theory for Research

GV4J8 Middle East Politics in Transnational Perspective

GV4J9 Populism

GV4K1 Opening Government: Transparency, Accountability, and Participation

GV4K2 Postcolonial and Comparative Political Theory

GV4K7 Conflict and Cooperation: Key Debates

GV4K8 Global Public Policy

GV4L1 Analytical Approaches to British Politics

GV4L2 The Politics and Policy of Climate Change and Sustainability

GV4L3 Data Science Applications in Politics Research

GV4L4 Critical Theory and Political Action

GV4L5 Politics, Gender, and Development

GV4L6 Political Economy of Inequality

GV4L7 Political Participation and Representation in Latin America

GV4L8 Introductory Maths for Political Science

GV4L9 Introductory Stata for Political Science

GV4M6 Modern African Political Philosophy

GV4N1 Qualitative Analysis for Political Science

GV4N2 Introduction to Comparative Politics and Conflict Studies

GV4N3 The Politics of Globalization

GV4N4 Comparative Political Behaviour


GY400 The Economics of Urbanisation

GY403 Contemporary Debates in Human Geography

GY404 Inclusive Growth

GY409 Globalisation and territorial development: Theory, Evidence and Policy

GY410 Economics of Local and Regional Development

GY413 Regional Development and Policy

GY415 Local Capacity and Economic Development Policy

GY420 Environmental Regulation: Implementing Policy

GY426 Environmental and Resource Economics

GY427 Climate Change: Science, Economics and Policy

GY428 Applied Quantitative Methods

GY431 Cities, People and Poverty in the South

GY432 Urban Ethnography

GY438 Urban Asia: Cities and Social Change

GY439 Cities, Politics and Citizenship

GY441 The Politics of Housing

GY446 Planning for Sustainable Cities

GY447 The Economics of Regional and Urban Planning

GY448 Social and Political Aspects of Planning

GY449 Urban Futures

GY450 Planning Practice and Research

GY452 Urban Research Methods

GY454 Urban Policy and Planning

GY455 Economic Appraisal and Valuation

GY457 Applied Urban and Real Estate Economics

GY458 Real Property Market Practice

GY459 Urban Theory and Policy in the Global South

GY460 Techniques of Spatial Economic Analysis

GY462 Real Estate Finance

GY465 Concepts in Environmental Regulation

GY470 Urban Africa

GY471 Urban environments and more-than-human cities

GY472 Real Estate Investment

GY473 Economic Development and the Environment

GY474 Politics of Environment and Development

GY475 Issues in Environmental Governance

GY476 Applied Geographical Information Systems

GY477 Race and Capitalism in North America

GY479 Urban Transformations

GY480 Remaking China: Geographical aspects of Development and Disparity

GY484 Dissertation - MSc Regional and Urban Planning Studies

GY485 Dissertation - MSc Geographic Data Science and MSc Real Estate Economics and Finance

GY486 Dissertation - MSc Local Economic Development

GY487 Dissertation - MSc in Human Geography and Urban Studies (Research)

GY488 Dissertation - MSc Urbanisation and Development

GY489 Dissertation - Environment Programme - MSc Environmental Economics and Climate Change, MSc Environmental Policy and Regulation and MSc Environment and Development


HP400 Financing Health Care

HP401 Introduction to Health Policy and Politics

HP402 Measuring Health System Performance

HP404 Global Health Policy: Institutions, Actors and Politics

HP405 Social Determinants of Health

HP407 Evidence Review and Synthesis for Decision Making

HP409 Dissertation for MSc Health Policy, Planning and Financing

HP412 Global Health Security

HP420 Health Economics

HP421 Economic Analysis for Health Policy in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

HP422 Health Care Economic Evaluation

HP423 Advanced Health Economics

HP424 Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

HP425 Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation

HP426 Applied Health Econometrics

HP428 Randomised evaluations of health programmes: from design to implementation

HP429 Behavioural Incentive Design in Health and Health Care

HP431 Dissertation in Health Policy

HP432 Mental Health Policy

HP433 Health Care Regulation

HP434 Methods and Data for Health Systems Performance Assessment

HP435 Global Access to Medicines

HP436 Evidence Appraisal for Health Policy Analysis

HP4A1E Financing Health Care

HP4A2E Health Administration and Management

HP4A3E Resource Allocation and Cost-effectiveness Analysis

HP4A4E Health Economics

HP4B1E Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

HP4B2E Health Care Quality Management

HP4B3E Measuring Health System Performance

HP4B4E Principles of Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Trials

HP4B5E Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation

HP4B7E Advanced Health Economics

HP4B9E Dissertation in Health Economics, Policy and Management

HP4C1E Economic Analysis for Health Policy

HP4C2E Quality and Outcomes in Clinical Sciences

HP4C3E Economic Evaluation in Health Care

HP4C4E Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

HP4C5E Using Health Economics to Analyse and Inform Policy and Practice

HP4D1E Introduction to Management in Health Care

HP4D2E Principles of Health Technology Assessment

HP4D5E Methods for Evaluating Health Programs and Policies

HP4D6E Behavioural Insights for Health Incentive Design

HP4D7E Fundamentals of Management and Leadership in Health Care

HP4E1E Global Health Policy

HP4E5E Economics of the Pharmaceutical Sector

HP4F1E Impact Evaluation in Healthcare

HP4F2E Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Healthcare Programs and Policies

HP4F3E Randomised Evaluation of Health Programmes and Policies

HP4F4E Dissertation in Evaluation of Healthcare Interventions and Outcomes

HP4F5E Health Care Regulation

HP4F6E Critical Appraisals of Clinical Trials and Real-World Evidence in Decision Making

HP4G1E Statistical Methods in Health Care Economic Evaluation

HP4G2E Principles of Health Technology Assessment

HP4G3E Economic Modelling for Health Care Decision Making

HP4G4E Systematic Review and Meta-analysis


HY400 Crisis Decision-Making in War and Peace 1914-2003

HY411 European Integration in the Twentieth Century

HY422 Presidents, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy, from Roosevelt to Reagan, 1933-89

HY424 The Napoleonic Empire: The Making of Modern Europe

HY429 Anglo-American Relations from World War to Cold War, 1939-91

HY432 From Cold Warriors to Peacemakers: the End of the Cold War Era, 1979-1999

HY435 Ideology, State, Jihad: Political Islam from Ibn Taymiyya to ISIS

HY436 Race, Violence and Colonial Rule in Africa

HY440 The Iranian Revolution

HY441 Islam, State and Conflict in Southeast Asia

HY444 The Cold War in Latin America

HY458 LSE-Columbia University Double Degree Dissertation

HY459 The Ottoman Empire and its Legacy, 1299-1950

HY461 East Asia in the Age of Imperialism, 1839-1945

HY463 The Roots, Origins and Dynamics of the Cold War, 1917-1962

HY465 The International History of the Balkans since 1939: State Projects, Wars, and Social Conflict

HY469 Maps, History and Power: The Spaces and Cultures of the Past

HY471 European Empires and Global Conflict, 1935-1948

HY472 China and the External World, 1711-1839

HY478 Genesis of the Modern World: Europe, China & India, 1550-1840

HY483 Land and Conflict in Latin America since 1750

HY484A Empire, Colonialism and Globalisation

HY484W Empire, Colonialism and Globalisation

HY486 The Anti-Slave-Trade Atlantic World, c. 1807-1870

HY487 Islam, State and Conflict in Southeast Asia

HY488 European Empires and Global Conflict, 1935-1948

HY489 China and the External World, 1644-1839

HY490 MA in Modern History Dissertation

HY491 Race, Gender and Reproduction in the Caribbean, 1860s-1930s

HY498 Dissertation: LSE-PKU Double Degree MSc in International Affairs; MSc Theory and History of International Relations

HY499 Dissertation

HY4A4 Dissertation with an Asian focus

HY4A8 Asian Borderlands

HY4B1 The Vietnam Wars, 1930-75: Regional and International Perspectives

HY4B2 The Afterlives of Empires in the Neo-Colonial Caribbean

HY4B3 Citizenship in 20th century political thought: intellectual history in case studies

HY4B4 Maritime Asia in Transition, 1405-1839

HY4B8 On German Memory Politics: From the Cold War to New Global Challenges

HY4B9 China and the United States Since 1949


IR411 Foreign Policy Analysis III

IR412 International Institutions

IR415 The Strategy of Conflict in International Relations

IR416 The EU in the World

IR419 International Relations of the Middle East

IR422 Conflict and Peacebuilding

IR429 Economic Diplomacy

IR434 European Defence and Security

IR442E Diplomacy and Challenges

IR443E Strategy in a Changing World

IR444E Strategy in Action

IR445 Global Politics of China

IR448 American Grand Strategy

IR452 Empire and Conflict in World Politics

IR453 Global Business in International Relations

IR454 Governing International Political Economy: Lessons from the Past for the Future

IR462 Theory of International Society

IR464 The Politics of International Human Rights

IR465 The International Politics of Culture and Religion

IR466 Genocide

IR467 Political Economy of Climate Change

IR468 The Political Economy of Trade

IR469 Politics of Money in the World Economy

IR470 International Political Economy

IR471 Critical International Law

IR472 Diplomacy in the 21st Century

IR473 China and the Global South

IR475 Gendered/ing International Politics

IR476 Gender and Political Violence

IR477 The Politics of Peace & Security in Sub-Saharan Africa

IR478 Critical War Studies

IR479 Eastern Europe: Domestic Regimes and Foreign Policies

IR480 The Politics of Inequality and Development

IR485 Dissertation in International Political Economy

IR486 Dissertation in International Relations Theory and International Relations (Research)

IR488 International Politics of Southeast Asia

IR489 Economic Diplomacy

IR490 The Strategy of Conflict in International Relations

IR491 Globalisation and the State in Developing Countries

IR495 The Politics of Displacement and Refuge

IR496E Dissertation: MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy (1.5 units)

IR499 Dissertation in International Relations

IR4A1 International Relations: Core Theories and Debates

IR4A2 International Relations: Global Applications

IR4A3 International Relations: Critical Perspectives

IR4B1 Islam in World Politics


LL400E European Capital Markets Law

LL401E The Law of Armed Conflict

LL402E Key Issues in Transnational Environmental Law

LL403E International Human Rights: Concepts, Law and Practice

LL404E European and UK Human Rights Law

LL405E Dispute Resolution and Advanced Mediation

LL406E Regulation of Financial Markets I

LL407E Regulation of Financial Markets II

LL408E Comparative Constitutional Law

LL409E Comparative Human and Constitutional Rights

LL410E International Financial Law and Practice I

LL411E International Financial Law and Practice II

LL412E International Economic Law I

LL413E International Economic Law II

LL415E Fundamentals of International Commercial Arbitration

LL416E Advanced Issues of International Commercial Arbitration

LL417E International Commercial Contracts: General Principles

LL418E Comparative Corporate Governance

LL419E Law of Corporate Finance

LL420E International Law and Climate Change

LL423E Media Law: Regulating Publication

LL424E Media Law: Regulating Newsgathering

LL425E Competition Law

LL426E Rights Adjudication and Global Constitutionalism

LL427E Constitutional Law and Theory

LL430E Investment Treaty Law

LL431E Takeover regulation in the UK and US

LL432E Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings in Europe

LL433E State and Market in the EU

LL434E Regulation: Strategies, Theories and Implementation

LL435E Innovation, Technology and Patent Law

LL436E Rethinking EU Law

LL437E International Criminal Law

LL438E Commercial Remedies

LL439E UK Corporate Law

LL440E Digital Rights, Privacy and Security

LL441E Employment Law

LL442E Corporate Restructuring

LL443E Corporate Bankruptcy

LL444E International Law and the Use of Force

LL445E Cultural Property and Heritage Law

LL446E Art Law

LL447E International Law: Courts and Tribunals

LL448E Terrorism and the Rule of Law

LL449E Cyberlaw

LL450E Banking and Finance Law: Regulating Retail, Consumer, and SME Markets

LL451E Anglo-American Contract Law

LL452E Tort Law: Foundations and Contemporary Issues

LL453E Law and Politics of the EU

LL468 European Human Rights Law

LL469 UK Human Rights Law

LL475 Terrorism and the Rule of Law

LL4A6 Climate Change and International Law

LL4A8 International Law and the Use of Force

LL4A9 Law in War

LL4AD Rethinking International Law: International Law and Contemporary Problems

LL4AE The Politics of International Law

LL4AF Principles of Global Competition Law

LL4AG Competition Law, Technology and Intellectual Property

LL4AH Corporate Governance

LL4AJ Corporate Rescue and Reorganisation

LL4AK Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law

LL4AL International Business Transactions: Commercial Litigation

LL4AM International Business Transactions: Advanced Procedure and Tactics

LL4AN International Business Transactions: Conflict of Laws, Extraterritoriality, and Global Governance

LL4AP International Business Transactions: Contracts and Property

LL4AQ Constitutional Theory

LL4AR International Criminal Law: Core Crimes and Concepts

LL4AS International Criminal Law: Prosecution and Practice

LL4AT Regulation: Strategies and Enforcement

LL4AV International Economic Law and Development

LL4AW Foundations of International Human Rights Law

LL4AX Selected Topics in International Human Rights Law

LL4AY International Tax Systems

LL4AZ Taxation of Multinational Enterprises: Transfer Pricing

LL4B1 International Trade Law

LL4BA International Law and the Movement of Persons within States

LL4BB International Law and the Movement of Persons Between States

LL4BF International Financial Regulation

LL4BG Rethinking EU Law

LL4BH Law and Government of the European Union

LL4BK Corporate Crime

LL4BL Financial Crime

LL4BM The Legal Protection of Inventions

LL4BN Innovation, Technology and Patent Law

LL4BP Current Issues in Intellectual and Cultural Property Law

LL4BQ Trade Mark Law

LL4BT Cultural Property and Heritage Law

LL4BU Art Law

LL4BV Transnational Environmental Law

LL4BW Law and Political Thought

LL4C2 World Poverty and Human Rights

LL4C5 International Commercial Arbitration

LL4C6 International Arbitration

LL4CB Modern Legal History: Private Law and the Economy 1750-1950

LL4CC Commercial Remedies

LL4CE Security and Criminal Law

LL4CF UK Corporate Law

LL4CG Tax Policy and Design

LL4CH Taxation of Transactions

LL4CL Explaining Punishment: Philosophy, Political Economy, Sociology

LL4CO Taxation of Wealth

LL4COE Taxation of Wealth

LL4CP Tax Avoidance

LL4CPE Tax Avoidance

LL4CQ Legal Aspects of Private Equity and Venture Capital

LL4CQE Legal Aspects of Private Equity and Venture Capital

LL4CS Law and Economics of Network Industries

LL4CTE Brands and Trademark Law

LL4E6 International Dispute Resolution: Courts and Tribunals

LL4E7 International Investment Law and Arbitration

LL4EA Race, Class, and Law

LL4EB Key Issues in Medical Law and Ethics

LL4F2 The Law and Practice of International Finance

LL4F3 Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings in Europe

LL4F4 Takeover Regulation in the UK and the US

LL4F9 Legal Research and Writing Skills

LL4G8 Law of Corporate Finance

LL4H2 Freedom of Speech, Media and the Law

LL4H3 Media Law: Regulating Newsgathering

LL4H4 International Financial Law

LL4H8 Employment Law

LL4H9 Human Rights in the Workplace

LL4K4 The International Law of Self-Determination

LL4K5 International Commercial Contracts - General Principles

LL4K8 Law of Corporate Finance: Securities Regulation

LL4K9 European Capital Markets Law

LL4L1 The Theory and Practice of Alternative Commercial Dispute Resolution

LL4L6 Theory of Constitutional Rights

LL4L7 Advanced Mediation and Negotiation

LL4N6 Principles of Copyright Law

LL4S1 Cyberlaw

LL4S2 E-Commerce Law

LL4S4 Digital Rights, Privacy and Security

LL4S5 Regulation of Digital Creativity and Investment

LL4Y9 Comparative and Transnational Law

LL4Z1 Business Taxation

LL4Z2 Principles of Taxation and Tax Disputes

LL4Z5 State Aid and Subsidies Regulation

LL4Z6 Comparative Constitutional Law

LL4Z7 Comparative Constitutional Rights

LL4Z9 Banking Law


MA400 September Introductory Course (Financial Mathematics and Quantitative Methods for Risk Management)

MA402 Mathematical Game Theory

MA407 Algorithms and Computation

MA408 Topics in Discrete Mathematics

MA409 Continuous Time Optimisation

MA411 Probability and Measure

MA414 Stochastic Analysis

MA415 The Mathematics of the Black and Scholes Theory

MA416 The Foundations of Interest Rate and Credit Risk Theory

MA417 Computational Methods in Finance

MA420 Topics in Financial Mathematics

MA421 Topics in Algorithms

MA422 Research Topics in Financial Mathematics

MA423 Fundamentals of Operations Research

MA424 Modelling in Operations Research

MA425 Project in Operations Research & Analytics

MA426 Dissertation in Operations Research & Analytics

MA427 Mathematical Optimisation

MA428 Combinatorial Optimisation

MA429 Algorithmic Techniques in Machine Learning

MA431 Advanced Topics in Operations Research and Applicable Mathematics

MA433 Mathematics of Networks

MA434 Algorithmic Game Theory

MA435 Machine Learning in Financial Mathematics

MA498 Dissertation in Mathematics


MC401 Mediated Resistance and Activism

MC402 The Audience in Media and Communications

MC403 Contemporary Issues in Media and Communications Policy

MC404 Political Communication in Democracies

MC407 International Media and The Global South

MC408 Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications

MC409 Media, Technology and Everyday Life

MC411 Media and Globalisation

MC416 Representation in the Age of Globalisation

MC418 Communication: Cultures and Approaches

MC419 Modern Campaigning Politics

MC420 Identity, Transnationalism and the Media

MC421 Critical Approaches to Media, Communication and Development

MC422 Critical Studies in Media and Journalism

MC423 Global Media Industries

MC424 Media and Communication Governance

MC425 Interpersonal Mediated Communication

MC426 Film Theory and World Cinema

MC427 Digital Media Futures

MC428 Media Culture and Neoliberalism in the Global South

MC429 Humanitarian Communication: Realities, Challenges and Critiques

MC430 Data in Communication and Society

MC431 Critical Approaches to Strategic Communications

MC432 Strategic Communication in Practice: Professional Perspectives

MC433 Technology and Justice

MC434 Digital Platforms and Media Infrastructures

MC436 Mediating the Past

MC437 Media, Data and Social Order

MC438 Mediated Feminisms

MC439 Media, Technology, and the Body

MC440 Children, Youth and Media

MC499 Dissertation: Media and Communications

MC4M1 Methods of Research in Media & Communications (including Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis)

MC4M2 Advanced Methods of Research in Media & Communications (including Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis)

MC4M7 Methods of Research in Media & Communications (including Qualitative Analysis & Applied Regression Analysis)

MC4M8 Advanced Methods of Research in Media & Communications (including Qualitative & Advanced Quantitative Analysis)


MG401 Operations Management for Management Consultancy

MG402 Public Management: A Design-Oriented Approach

MG403 Pricing Strategy

MG404 Consumer Insights: Behavioural Fundamentals

MG406E Behavioural Decision Science

MG409 Auctions and Game Theory

MG410 Term Abroad

MG411 Firms and Markets

MG412 Globalization and Strategy

MG417 Extended Essay

MG418 Open Innovation

MG421 International Business Strategy and Emerging Markets

MG422 Thinking Strategically

MG430 Firms & Markets in Emerging Economies

MG431 Managerial Economics

MG434 Organisational Behaviour

MG439 Organisational Behaviour for Master's in Management

MG440E Managerial Economics (modular)

MG441E Foundations of Management (modular)

MG443E Organisational Behaviour and Leadership (modular)

MG445E Marketing Strategy (modular)

MG446E Strategy, Organisation and Innovation (modular)

MG447E International Business Strategy and Emerging Markets (modular)

MG452 Behavioural Economics for Management

MG455 Decisions, Biases and Nudges

MG456 Group & Team Decision-Making Processes

MG457E Foundations of Management 2: Financial Control and Governance (modular)

MG458 Foundations of Management I: Organisations and Management Theory

MG459 Foundations of Management 2

MG460 Emergencies Management: Humanitarian Intervention and Digital Innovation

MG463 CEMS Global Leadership

MG464 CEMS Global Business Strategy

MG465 Managerial Economics for Masters in Management Students

MG466 Supply Chain Management

MG467 Strategy and Change in Public Sector Management

MG468 Foundations of Management III: Business Ethics, Corporate Governance and Ethical Leadership

MG469 Extended Essay for Management

MG470 Management Dissertation

MG472 Management and Socioeconomics of Digital Innovation

MG473 Negotiation Analysis

MG475 Organisational Theory and Practice

MG476 Corporate Social Responsibility and International Labour Standards

MG477 Strategic Reward: Key Models and Practices

MG478 The Management of People in Global Companies

MG479 Information Systems for the Public Sector: Digital Government and Service Innovation

MG480 Foundations of Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice

MG481 Innovating Organisational Information Technology

MG482 Innovation and Technology Management

MG483 eHealth: Policy, Strategy and Systems

MG486 Social Computing, Data Analytics, and Information Services

MG487 Innovation and Information Systems: Concepts and Perspectives

MG488A GMiM Capstone Course - Management in Action

MG488B GMiM Capstone Course - Management in Action

MG492 Data Governance: Privacy, Openness and Transparency

MG493 Dissertation

MG496 Study Skills and Contemporary Topics in Information Systems and Digital Innovations

MG497 Dissertation: MSc Management and Strategy

MG498E Dissertation/Capstone Project (modular)

MG4A1 Introduction to Studying for GMiM

MG4A3 Incentives and Governance in Organisations

MG4A5 Behavioural Strategy

MG4A6 Strategic Competitive Analysis

MG4A8 Strategy for the Information Economy

MG4A9 Business Strategy, Management and Analytics

MG4B1 Corporate Strategy

MG4B3 International Marketing: A Strategic Approach

MG4B6 Design and Management of Organisations

MG4B7 Leading Organisational Change

MG4B8 Evolutionary Psychology and Management

MG4B9 The World Trading System

MG4C2 Organisational Behaviour

MG4C3 Information Technology and Service Innovation

MG4D2 International Employment Relations

MG4D3 The Dark Side of the Organisation

MG4D4 Cross Cultural Management

MG4D5 Leadership in Organisations: Theory and Practice

MG4D7 Dissertation: MSc MISDI

MG4E2 Marketing Management

MG4E7 Business Fundamentals

MG4E8 Principles of Marketing

MG4E9 Marketing Analytics I: Consumer Analysis Fundamentals

MG4F1 Marketing Action Learning Project

MG4F2 Marketing Analytics II: Analytics for Managing Innovations, Products and Brands

MG4F3 Digital Marketing

MG4F4 MiM Capstone Course - International Management in Action

MG4F5 Business in the Global Environment

MG4F7 Business Analysis

MG4F8 Managerial Economics and Quantitative Measurement for Social Entrepreneurs

MG4F9 Organisational Behaviour and Marketing for Social Entrepreneurs

MG4G1 Understanding Social Problems for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

MG4G2 Social Innovation Design

MG4G4 Topics in Management Research

MG4H1E Foundations of Social Business I

MG4H2E Foundations of Social Business II

MG4H3E Social Impact and Its Evaluation

MG4H4E The Altruistic Entrepreneur Project

MG4H6E The Hybrid Economy

MG4H7E The Purpose-Driven Corporation

MG4H8E Social Entrepreneurship in Context

MG4J1 Introduction to Mathematics and Data Analysis for Managers

MG4J2 Social Business Design

MG4J3 Principles of Pricing

MG4J5 Dissertation: Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

MG4J6 Brand Strategy

MG4J7 Advanced Consumer Behaviour

MG4J8 Managing Artificial Intelligence

MG4J9 Responsible Digital Innovation: Ethics at Work

MG4PA People Analytics and Technology


MY400 Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design

MY401 Research Design for Studies in Digital Innovation

MY405 Research Design for Policy and Programme Evaluation

MY410 Fundamentals of Research Design for International Development

MY421A Qualitative Research Methods

MY421W Qualitative Research Methods

MY423 Interview Methods for Social Science Research

MY424 Advanced qualitative field methods for researching space and place

MY425 Case Studies and Comparative Methods for Qualitative Research

MY426 Doing Ethnography

MY428 Qualitative Text and Discourse Analysis

MY451A Introduction to Quantitative Analysis

MY451W Introduction to Quantitative Analysis

MY452A Applied Regression Analysis

MY452W Applied Regression Analysis

MY455 Multivariate Analysis and Measurement

MY456 Survey Methodology

MY457 Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Studies

MY459 Quantitative Text Analysis

MY461 Social Network Analysis

MY464 Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Media and Communications

MY465 Intermediate Quantitative Analysis

MY470 Computer Programming

MY472 Data for Data Scientists

MY474 Applied Machine Learning for Social Science

MY498 Capstone Project

MY499 Dissertation

MY4IR Research Design for International Relations


PB400 Psychological and Behavioural Science

PB401 Contemporary Social and Cultural Psychology

PB402 Organisational Social Psychology

PB403 Psychology of Economic Life

PB404 The Social Psychology of Communication

PB405 Foundations in Behavioural Science

PB410 Dissertation

PB411 Methods for Social Psychology Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

PB413 Experimental Design and Methods for Behavioural Science

PB413E Frontiers in Behavioural Science Methods

PB414 Advanced Methods for Social Psychology Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

PB415 Behavioural Science

PB416 Cognition and Culture

PB417 Consumer Psychology for Sustainability

PB418 Corporate Communications

PB419 Creativity and Innovation

PB420 Current Communication Research

PB421 Happiness

PB422 Health Communication

PB424 Organisational Life

PB425 Organisations, Groups and Identity

PB426 Knowledge Processes in Organisations

PB427 Organisational and Social Decision Making

PB428 Political Psychology: Inequality & Intergroup Relations

PB429 Science, Innovations and the Human Future

PB430 Social Influence Modes and Modalities

PB431 Social Psychology of Economic Life: Advanced Topics

PB432 Social Representations: Social Knowledge and Contemporary Issues

PB433 Theory and Practice of Organisational Development

PB434 Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology

PB434E Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology

PB435 Behavioural Science for Planetary Wellbeing

PB436 The Science of Time at Work and Beyond

PB436E The Science of Time at Work and Beyond

PB437 Conversation Analysis and the Science of Social Interaction

PB441 Wellbeing for Policy

PB450E Behavioural Science and Policy

PB451E Dissertation in Behavioural Science

PB452 Behavioural Science for Health and Pandemic Responses

PB452E Behavioural Science for Health

PB453 Corporate Behaviour and Decision Making

PB453E Corporate Behaviour and Decision Making

PB454E Policy Appraisal and Ethics

PB457 Organisational Culture

PB458 Dialogue: Conflict & Negotiation

PB471E Research Methods for Behavioural Science

PB4A7 Quantitative Applications for Behavioural Science

PB4D2 Happiness - Dissertation

PB4D3 Behavioural Science in an Age of New Technology - Dissertation

PB4D4 Behavioural Science for Health and Pandemic Responses - Dissertation

PB4D5 Corporate Behaviour and Decision Making - Dissertation

PB4D6 Wellbeing for Policy - Dissertation

PB4D7 Behavioural Science for Planetary Wellbeing - Dissertation

PB4D8 The Science of Time at Work and Beyond - Dissertation


PH400 Philosophy of Science

PH415 Philosophy and Public Policy

PH416 Philosophy, Morals and Politics

PH418 Dissertation Seminar - Economics and Philosophy

PH421 Dissertation Seminar - Philosophy and Public Policy

PH422 Dissertation Seminar - Philosophy of Social Science

PH425 Business and Organisational Ethics

PH426 Philosophy of Society

PH427 Genes, Brains and Society

PH430 Einstein for Everyone: From time travel to the edge of the universe

PH431 Physics and Uncertainty: From Quantum Jumps to Stock Market Crashes

PH433 Philosophy of Gender and Race

PH434 Philosophy of Economics: Methodology and Foundations of Economics

PH435 Philosophy of Economics: Ethics and Economics

PH436 Set Theory

PH437 Advanced Logic

PH439 Anarchy, Authority and Evidence: Topics in Philosophy of Law

PH440 The Ethics of Data and AI

PH445 Dissertation Seminar - Philosophy of Science

PH456 Rationality and Choice

PH458 Evidence and Policy

PH499 Dissertation


PP401 Political Science for Public Policy

PP402 Quantitative Methods for Public Policy

PP403 Public Management

PP404 Economics for Public Policy

PP405 Public Policy Applications

PP406 Philosophy for Public Policy

PP407 Pre-Sessional Coding and Mathematics Bootcamp

PP408 Introduction to Quantitative Methods for the MPA Programme

PP409 Introductory Teaching for the Master of Public Policy (MPP)

PP409E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III (EMPA)

PP410 Public Economics for Public Policy

PP410E Public Economics for Public Policy

PP411A Political Entrepreneurship

PP411W Political Economy Applications for Public Policy

PP412 Cold War II? Public Policy Implications of US-China Relations in the 2020s

PP413 Growth Diagnostics in Development: Theory and Practice

PP414 Policy-Making: Process, Challenges and Outcomes

PP414W Policy-Making: Process, Challenges and Outcomes

PP415 Technology, Data Science and Policy

PP416 Beyond the policy cycle: how theory explains practice

PP417A The Practice of Effective Climate Policy

PP417W The Practice of Effective Climate Policy

PP418 Globalisation and Economic Policy

PP419 Advanced Empirical Methods for Policy Analysis

PP421E Global Market Economics

PP422 Data Science for Public Policy

PP423 Anticipatory Policymaking

PP424 Happiness and Public Policy

PP425 Strategic Policymaking: Economic Analysis, Narrative Development, Political Feasibility, and Implementation

PP426 Public Policy for Blockchains and Digital Assets

PP430E Introduction to Statistics for Public Policy

PP440 Micro and Macro Economics (for Public Policy)

PP440E Economic Policy Analysis

PP448 International Political Economy and Development

PP449 Comparative Political Economy and Development

PP450 Public Organisations: Theory and Practice

PP452 Applying Behavioural Economics for Social Impact: Design, Delivery, Evaluation and Policy

PP454 Development Economics

PP454E Development Economics

PP455 Quantitative Approaches and Policy Analysis

PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy

PP465 City-Making: the Politics of Urban Form

PP478 Political Science for Public Policy

PP478E Political Science and Public Policy

PP488E Regulatory Analysis

PP4A1E Cities in an Urban Age: Challenges and Opportunities

PP4A2E Cities and Society: Design and Social Cohesion

PP4A3E Cities and the Environment: Urban Environmental Transitions

PP4A4E Cities and the Economy: Urban Economic Development and Finance

PP4A5E Urban Infrastructure and Strategic Planning

PP4A6E Urban Development and Master Planning

PP4A7E Urban Consultancy Project

PP4B3 MPA Capstone Project

PP4B3E Executive MPP Capstone Project

PP4B4 Dissertation

PP4B5 Capstone Project: MPA - Data Science for Public Policy

PP4E4 Analytic frameworks for policy evaluation

PP4E5 Innovations in the governance of public services delivery

PP4G3 Designing and Managing Change in the Public Sector

PP4G8E Public Policy in Practice Workshop I (EMPA)

PP4G9E Public Policy in Practice Workshop II (EMPA)

PP4J1E Public Policy in Practice Workshop I (EMPP)

PP4J2 New Institutions of Public Policy: Strategic Philanthropy, Impact Investment and Social Enterprise

PP4J2E Public Policy in Practice Workshop II (EMPP)

PP4J3E Public Policy in Practice Workshop III (EMPP)

PP4J4 Designing and Implementing Evidence-Informed Policies and Programmes

PP4J5 Fiscal Governance and Budgeting

PP4J5E Fiscal Governance and Budgeting

PP4V8 Policy Paper

PP4V8E Policy Paper

PP4X6 Welfare Analysis and Measurement


SO407 Politics and Society

SO424 Approaches to Human Rights

SO425 Economy, Risk and Society

SO426 Classical Social Thought

SO427 Modern Social Thought

SO430 Economic Sociology

SO434 Cultural Theory and Cultural Forms

SO448 City Design: Research Studio

SO449 Independent Project

SO451 Cities by Design

SO454 Families and Inequalities

SO457 Political Reconciliation

SO458 Gendering, Identities, Difference

SO468 International Migration and Migrant Integration

SO470 The Sociology of Markets

SO471 Technology, Power and Culture

SO473 Crime, Control and the City

SO475 Material Culture and Design

SO476 Researching Migration: research questions and research methods

SO477 Urban Social Theory

SO478 Social Scientific Analysis of Inequalities

SO479 Human Rights and Postcolonial Theory

SO480 Urban Inequalities

SO481 Class, Politics and Culture

SO489 Family and International Migration

SO490 Contemporary Social Thought

SO491 Quantitative Social Research Methods

SO492 Qualitative Social Research Methods

SO493 MSc in Culture and Society Dissertation

SO494 MSc in Political Sociology Dissertation

SO495 MSc in Economy and Society Dissertation

SO496 MSc in Human Rights Dissertation

SO497 MSc in Inequalities and Social Science Dissertation

SO499 MSc in Sociology Dissertation

SO4A8 Leadership and Social Change

SO4B1 Contemporary Politics of Human Rights

SO4B2 MSc in Human Rights and Politics Dissertation

SO4B3 Seeing like an NGO: Human Rights in Practice

SO4B5 The Anticolonial Archive: The Sociology of Empire and its Afterlives

SO4B6 Nature and Technology: More than Human Sociology

SO4B7 Lawful Violence

SO4B8 Internationalism and Solidarity

SO4B9 The Sociology of Consumption

SO4C1 Fascism, Authoritarianism, Populism

SO4C2 Racial Capitalism

SO4C3 Social Mobility, Politics and Meritocracy

SO4C4 Global Mobilities: International Migration

SO4C5 The Social Life of Infrastructure

SO4C6 Reading Black Thought

SO4C7 Patriarchy and Society

SO4C8 The Social and Political Lives of the Dead

SO4D1 Economic Sociology


SP400 International Social and Public Policy

SP401 Understanding Policy Research

SP403 Academic & Professional Skills Development for Social Policy

SP410 Migration: Current Research, Critical Approaches

SP411 Social Policy and Development

SP412 Non-Governmental Organisations, Social Policy and Development

SP414 Ethnicity, Race and Social Policy

SP415 Urbanisation and Social Policy in the Global Souths

SP416 International Planning and Children's Rights

SP417 Sexuality, Everyday Lives and Social Policy in Developing Countries

SP418 Global Social Policy and International Organizations

SP419 Social Movements, Activism, and Social Policy

SP420 Understanding Policy Research (Advanced)

SP430 Social Security Policies

SP432 Education Policy, Reform and Financing

SP434 Behavioural Public Policy

SP435 Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities

SP436 Basic Education for Social Development

SP437 International Housing and Human Settlements; Conflicts and Communities

SP439 Social Rights and Human Welfare

SP441 Politics of Social Policy: Welfare and Work in Comparative Perspective

SP442 The Future of Work and Social Policy

SP443 Social Policy of Climate Change

SP471 Issues in Contemporary Policing

SP473 Policing, Security and Globalisation

SP475 Riots, Disorder and Urban Violence

SP476 Punishment and Penal Policy

SP477 Crime, Justice, & Social Policy

SP478 Special Issues in Criminology & Criminal Justice

SP498 Criminal Justice Policy - Long Essay

SP499 Dissertation - International Social & Public Policy


ST405 Multivariate Methods

ST409 Stochastic Processes

ST411 Generalised Linear Modelling and Survival Analysis

ST416 Multilevel Modelling

ST418 Non-Linear Dynamics and the Analysis of Real Time Series

ST422 Time Series

ST425 Statistical Inference: Principles, Methods and Computation

ST426 Applied Stochastic Processes

ST429 Statistical Methods for Risk Management

ST433 Computational Methods in Finance and Insurance

ST436 Financial Statistics

ST439 Stochastics for Derivatives Modelling

ST440 Recent Developments in Finance and Insurance

ST442 Longitudinal Data Analysis

ST443 Machine Learning and Data Mining

ST444 Computational Data Science

ST445 Managing and Visualising Data

ST446 Distributed Computing for Big Data

ST447 Data Analysis and Statistical Methods

ST448 Insurance Risk

ST449 Artificial Intelligence

ST450 Advanced Lectures on Special Topics in Statistics

ST451 Bayesian Machine Learning

ST452 Probability and Mathematical Statistics I

ST453 Probability and Mathematical Statistics II

ST454 Bayesian Data Analysis

ST455 Reinforcement Learning

ST456 Deep Learning

ST457 Graph Data Analytics and Representation Learning

ST498 Capstone Project

ST499 Dissertation