Joshua Tan (2003–2004)

29 September 2004|

Joshua Tan started out at as an investment banker at DBS, Singapore’s largest bank, and is now at PhillipCapital. He writes: My employers hired me because they thought that I was interesting and different from the usual Accounting/Business/Finance grads that they hire. Thus they were willing to overlook the fact that I had no Finance background (but […]

Isabell Kohten (2003–2004)

29 September 2004|

Isabell Kohten works at the Office for National Statistics in the UK Centre of the Measurement of Government Activity. She writes: The purpose of this Centre is to improve and develop further output and productivity measures for public services such as health or education, and my specific task is to establish the basic principles and methods and […]

Viara Bojkova (2003–2004)

29 September 2004|

Viara Bojkova works for the think tank Sea and Water. She writes: We try to influence governmental policy and represent the shipping industry. What I do is research and analysis on the trade between the UK and the EU, North Africa and ex-Soviet Republics. I also write theoretical and economic argumentats when we work on documents that […]

Holly Andersen (2001–2002)

29 September 2002|

The LSE was my first exposure to philosophy of science, and the courses were challenging but fascinating. Professors did an excellent job of presenting the material so that those of us unfamiliar with the issues could participate as well as those who already had studied some of it. The other students in the Master’s program came from […]