As an anthropologist, the MSc at the LSE proved to be both a serious challenge and a strong contribution to my academic formation. After completing the one-year Master´s programme I found myself able to apply some of the concepts of analytical philosophy. For example, I am currently working for an environmentalist NGO based in the Mexican Caribbean; here I serve as a link between rural communities and the government. This experience has shown me that constructing philosophically valid and sound arguments can contribute a great deal when expressing peasants´ interests to the government in an attempt to find a common ground in which to reconcile conservational public policies and peasants´ productive interests.

In addition to providing me with these analytical tools, the MSc also introduced me to some of the most interesting and contemporary debates in moral philosophy and philosophy of the social sciences, and allowed me to combine my previous academic formation with new perspectives on issues such as the philosophical foundations of anthropology – topic that I discussed on my dissertation. This interesting combination of philosophy and anthropology will be present in the Ph. D. degree in anthropology which I will start in the Fall of 2010.