Dr Philipp  Seuferling

Dr Philipp Seuferling

LSE Fellow

Department of Media and Communications

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English, German, Swedish
Key Expertise
media and migration, borders, media technologies, media history

About me

Dr Philipp Seuferling is LSE Fellow in Media and Communication in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE.

He holds a PhD from Södertörn University, Stockholm. In 2022, he was a visiting researcher at NYU. Philipp’s research focuses on the historical and contemporary intersections of media technologies with migration and border regimes. Tracing current formations of so-called “smart borders”, he studies how borders are historically enacted through media technologies, and have long been crucial testbeds for digital, automated, and artificially intelligent media at large.

Philipp is also working on his monograph, based on his PhD dissertation, entitled Encampment: A history of media, control, and care. The book investigates the role of media practices and technologies in refugee camps in Germany since 1945.

Expertise Details

media and migration; borders; media technologies; media history


Selected publications

  • Seuferling, P. (2024). Smart Ellis Island? Tracing techniques of automating border control. New Media & Society26(9), 5039-5058. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448241251802.
  • Leurs, K., and Seuferling, P. (2022). “Migration and the ‘deep time’ of media infrastructures”. Communication, Culture & Critique 15(2), 290–297. https://doi.org/10.1093/ccc/tcac019.
  • Kaun, A., Logsdon, A. and Seuferling, P. (2022, forthcoming). “Serving Machines: Technology Development in Heterotopian Media Backends”. In: Lisa Parks, Julia Velkova, and Sander de Ridder (eds.). Media Backends: Infrastructure, Algorithms, and the Politics of Knowing. Champaign: University of Illinois Press.
  • Seuferling, P. (2021). Media and the refugee camp: the historical making of space, time, and politics in the modern refugee regime. PhD thesis. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola.
  • Seuferling, P. and Leurs, K. (2021). “Histories of humanitarian technophilia: How imaginaries of media technologies have shaped migration infrastructures”. Mobilities 16(5), 670–687.
  • Seuferling, P. (2020). “Hopeful and Obligatory Remembering: Mediated Memory in Refugee Camps in Post-War Germany”. Mediální studia, 14(1), 13–33.
  • Wagner, H. and Seuferling, P. (2020). “Uses of the Past in Refugee Documentaries in Sweden and Germany. Conceptualising entangled histories of media, memory, and migration”. Media History 26(1), 91–104.
  • Seuferling, P. (2019). “’We Demand Better Ways to Communicate’: Pre-Digital Media Practices in Refugee Camps”. Media and Communication 7(2), 207–217.
  • Seuferling, P. (2021). “Immobile Socialities? Historicising Media Practices in Refugee Camps”. In: Annette Hill, Maren Hartmann, Magnus Andersson (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Mobile Socialities. London: Routledge, pp. 302–319.