Dr Angelos Kissas

Dr Angelos Kissas

PhD Alumni

Department of Media and Communications

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About me


Ideology in the age of mediatized politics: a study on the aesthetics and politics of charisma, ordinariness, and spectacle from the 2015 election advertising campaigns in the UK and Greece (2018). 

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Supervisor: Professor Lilie Chouliaraki and Dr Nick Anstead.

After the PhD

Since the completion of my PhD, I have focused on designing my next research project (the digital performativity of populism) which draws and expands on some of the key areas covered in my doctoral thesis. I have also continued (for a second year) in my role as a teaching assistant in the LSE Department of Sociology while working on several publications and preparing my next steps as an early career academic.

Expertise Details

ideology; mediatization; political communication; discourse analysis


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

§ Kissas, A. (2020). Performative and ideological populism: the case of charismatic leaders on Twitter. Discourse & Society, 31(3): 268-284.

§ Kissas, A. (2019). Three theses on the mediatization of politics: evolutionist, intended or imagined transformation? Communication Review, 22(3): 222-242.

§ Chouliaraki, L. & Kissas, A. (2018). The communication of horrorism: A typology of ISIS online death videos. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 35(1): 24-39.

§ Kissas, A. (2018). Making sense of political ideology in mediatized political communication: A discourse analytic perspective. Language and Politics, 17(3): 386-404.

§ Kissas, A. (2017). Ideology in the age of mediatized politics: From ‘belief systems’ to the re-contextualizing principle of discourse. Journal of Political Ideologies, 22(2): 197-215.

§ Kissas, A. (2015). Political advertising in the crossroad of political pragmatism and political ideology. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5, 88-102.

Book chapters

§ Kissas, A. (2020). ‘Χαρισματικός ηγέτης και ιδεολογία στην εποχή της μεσοποιημένης πολιτικής: μια κριτική ανάλυση του διαφημιστικού λόγου της Νέας Δημοκρατίας και του ΣΥΡΙZA από τις εθνικές εκλογές του Ιανουαρίου 2015 [Charismatic leader and ideology in the age of mediatized politics: a critical analysis of the advertising discourse of New Democracy and SYRIZA from the January 2015 General Election]’. In Boukala, S. & A. Stamou (Eds.), Κριτική ανάλυση λόγου: (απο)δομώντας την ελληνική πραγματικότητα [Critical discourse analysis: (de)constructuring the Greek reality]. Athens: Nisos, pp. 259-288.

§ Chouliaraki, L. and Kissas, A. (2019). ‘The communication of horrorism: a typology of ISIS online death videos’. In Semati, M., P.M. Szpunar and R.A. Brookey (Eds.), ISIS beyond the spectacle: Communication media, networked publics, and terrorism. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 8-23.

§ Kissas, A. (2018). ‘Ideology in the age of mediatized politics: From ‘belief systems’ to the re-contextualizing principle of discourse’. In Freeden, M. (Ed.), Re-energizing ideology studies: The maturing of a discipline. London: Routledge, pp. 90-108.


§ Kissas, A. (2018). Ideology in the age of mediatized politics. A study on the aesthetics and politics of charisma, ordinariness, and spectacle from the 2015 election advertising campaigns in the UK and Greece, PhD Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science. Retrieved from http://etheses.lse.ac.uk/3698/

§ Kissas, A. (2013). Mediated politics and ideology: Towards a new synthesis. A case study from the Greek general election of May 2012, MSc Dissertation, London School of Economics and Political Science. Retrieved from http://www.lse.ac.uk/media@lse/research/mediaWorkingPapers/MScDissertationSeries/2012/94.pdf