LSE Law, Technology and Society

LSE Law, Technology and Society

The Law, Technology and Society group conducts world-leading research into the regulation of technology and its normative implications, including the legal, regulatory, policy and social implications of emerging technologies such as AI and ICT, biomedical and biotechnologies, distributed systems (including blockchain), FinTech, RegTech and LawTech. The LTS group is at the forefront of legal thought, regulatory and policy development and civil society. Our key interest is the interaction between legal, technological, and social perspectives, including issues of privacy and data protection, competition and markets, and ethics and governance. Our researchers do not only conduct academic research addressed to an academic audience. We engage with a wider community of regulators, policymakers, civil society groups and practitioners through multilateral processes. Our outputs include policy papers, briefings, evidence and consultancies. Browse these pages to become more familiar with our research and our researchers, or look for possibilities to get involved.