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LSE Law welcomes Visiting Professor Martin Cave

23 February 2018


LSE Law welcomes Visiting Professor Martin Cave to the department. Professor Cave is an economist specialising in competition law and the regulation of network industries, especially the communications sector. He formerly held chairs at Brunel University (in the Department of Economics), at Warwick University (in the Business School), and in 2010-11 at the London School of Economics (as a BP centennial chair in the Law Department).  He has written a number of books and papers on regulation, often with Robert Baldwin as a co-author – including Understanding Regulation (Oxford University Press, 2012). They are currently working on a book provisionally entitled  Taming the Corporation.  Between January 2012 and January 2018, he was a  deputy chair at the UK Competition Commission and a deputy panel chair at the UK Competition and Markets Authority. He has advised governments and regulator in several sectors in a number of countries, and undertook a number of independent reviews for the UK government on the regulation of airports, social housing, telecommunications and the  water sector.