Our panel will discuss the recently published report from The Independent Commission on Sustainable Equality in tackling the challenges we are facing across the continent today.
Europe is in the grip of several crises - social, environmental and political. They are the result of the prevailing economic system and the inequalities it produces all over the continent. In the absence of profound changes these crises will lead to further destabilization of societies and more authoritarian, populist and extremist rule. The result could be even the collapse of democratic rule in many parts of the continent, affecting all neighbouring countries.
The panel, a group of politicians, activists and academics, will discuss these current challenges and how the Sustainable Equality report, along with other crucial work being done across Europe can achieve a society of economic, social and ecological balance and well-being for everyone.
Organised by the Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit (CSS) in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Another Europe Is Possible as part of the event series Europe For the Many; Moments of Dialogue in Times of Crisis.
Chaired by:
Mary Kaldor @LSE_CCS is the Director of The Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit at LSE and Professor of Global Governance.
Opening remarks by:
Christos Katsioulis @ChrisPeristeri is Director of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), London office.
Keynote Speech by:
Udo Bullmann @UdoBullmann is Head of the Parliamentary Group of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament.
Main findings and recommendations of the report by:
Louka Katseli @loukakatseli is a Professor of Economics. She is a former Minister for the Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping and a former Minister for Labour and Social Security in Greece.
Comments by:
Faiza Shaheen @faizashaheen Is Director of Class think tank.
TBC: Laura Parker @ParkerCiccone is National Coordinator of Momentum.
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