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LSE IDEAS and the G20's Think20 process

LSE IDEAS is pleased to have participated in the G20’s Think20 (T20) process as part of India's Presidency of the G20 intergovernmental forum.

As the co-chair of the ‘Reformed Multilateralism: Transforming Global Institutions and Frameworks’ Task Force, LSE IDEAS is proud to announce its successful participation in the Global Digital Governance and Institutional Frameworks workstream. 

The T20 Summit 2023 has concluded – read the T20 Communique here. You can also read more about the G20 and the T20 process here

We have been a part of, the following events: 

T20-related research and publications by LSE IDEAS:

  • Enhancing Efforts at Global Digital Governance: Recommendations to the G20 
    This policy brief highlights the challenges in attaining effective global digital governance, why the G20 is well-placed to effect meaningful change in global digital governance, and what steps that it should be taking. This policy brief was published by the G20's Think20 Secretariat. 
  • Governing the Web 
    This article discusses how global governance can keep pace with digitalisation and AI technologies. This article is part of the G20 India background book published by the G20 Research Group, which also features articles written by various heads of state and leaders from industry and academia. 
  • Multilateralism in the Digital Age: How to Make Progress on Global Digital Governance 
    This article suggests ways in which global digital governance efforts can be improved. It highlights the difference between global AI governance and global digital governance and calls for streamlining existing multilateral initiatives and increasing private sector engagement. It is published on the G7 & G20 Information Centre.
  • Regulatory Harmonisation Efforts in ASEAN's Digital Economy: Challenges and Opportunities (forthcoming) 
Chris alden 2

Professor Chris Alden, LSE IDEAS Director

Professor Chris Alden is Co-Chair of the "Reformed Multilateralism: Transforming Global Institutions and Frameworks" taskforce. 

mary martin

Dr. Mary Martin, Director of UN Business and Human Security Initiative, LSE IDEAS 

Dr. Mary Martin is also Co-Chair of the "Reformed Multilateralism: Transforming Global Institutions and Frameworks" taskforce. 

Kenddrick Chan

Kenddrick Chan, Head of Digital International Relations project, LSE IDEAS 

Kenddrick Chan represented LSE IDEAS at the Think20 Mid-Year Conference in Mumbai as well as the Think20 Summit in Mysuru.