Anne Phillips 2


Anne Phillips: an appreciation

Hosted by the Department of Government

MAR.1.10, Marshall Building

Anne Phillips joined the LSE in 1999 and was an integral part of our Department for about 20 years, holding the Graham Wallas chair. Anne retired from departmental duties in 2022.

This conference intends to celebrate her achievements as academic and public intellectual. It is also an opportunity to show our gratitude to an outstanding colleague. We intend to highlight Anne’s contribution to egalitarian thought, democracy and representation, feminism and multiculturalism.

Confirmed speakers: Melissa Williams (Toronto), Martin O’Neill (York), David Owen (Southampton), Sumi Madhok (LSE), Tariq Modood (Bristol), Jo Wolff (Oxford), Clare Chambers (Cambridge), Cecile Laborde (Oxford), Teresa Bejan (Oxford), Carolyn Pedwell (Kent), Moira Dustin (Sussex). 

View the conference programme here.

From time to time there are changes to event details so we strongly recommend that if you plan to attend this event you check back on this listing on the day of the event.