Meet the researcher

Short interviews with our research community


Professor Kiran Grewal

Kiran is  is a human rights lawyer and scholar with 20 years’ experience working in the field. She is currently working in Sri Lanka with the Law and Society Trust.

Read the Q&A with Professor Kiran Grewal

Aiko research qa

Dr Aiko Holvikivi

Aiko is Assistant Professor of Gender, Peace and Security at the LSE Department of Gender Studies and the author of the new book Fixing Gender: The Paradoxical Politics of Training Peacekeepers.

Read the Q&A with Dr Aiko Holvikivi.

Valerie Walkerdine

Professor Valerie Walkerdine

Valerie is a Distinguished Research Professor Emerita in the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University and is the recipient of a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship. Valerie is visiting LSE Gender during the Autumn and Winter Terms of the 2024-25 academic year.

Read the Q&A with Professor Valerie Walkerdine.

Emily Cousens alt

Dr Emily Cousens

Emily was an LSE100 Fellow between 2021-2023 and is now Lecturer in the History of Gender and Sexuality at Birkbeck.

Read the Q&A with Dr Emily Cousens. 


Professor Kornelia Slavova

Kornelia was a Visiting Scholar from the University of Sofia in 2023.

Read the Q&A with Professor Kornelia Salvova.

ali mortlock

Dr Alanah Mortlock

Alanah completed her PhD  in the Department of Gender Studies in 2024.

Read the Q&A with Dr Alanah Mortlock. 

Milo Miller

Dr Milo Miller

Milo was a Fellow in the Department of Gender Studies until 2024. He is also an alumni of the department. 

Read the Q&A wilth Dr Milo Miller.