Plomien, A. and Schwartz, G. (2023) Market-reach into social reproduction and transnational labour mobility in Europe, New Political Economy, DOI: 10.1080/13563467.2023.2244448
Plomien, A. and Schwartz, G. (2023) Welfare as flourishing social reproduction: Polish and Ukrainian migrant workers in a market-participation society. Global Social Policy
Plomien, A., Scheele, A., Sproll, M. (2022). Global contestations of social reproduction: Compounding crises and COVID-19. In: Alexandra Scheele, Julia Roth, and Heidemarie Winkel (eds.) Global Contestations of Gender Rights (161-182). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. open access
Plomien, A., Scheele, A., Sproll, M. (2022). Social reproduction and state responses to the global Covid-19 pandemic: Keeping capitalism on the move? In Antonia Kupfer and Constance Stutz (eds.) Covid, Crisis, Care, and Change? Verlag Barbara Budrich. open access
Plomien, A. (2022) Connecting feminist and value struggles to improve our world. LSE Engenderings blog, published February 16th 2022.
Plomien, A. (2021) For business’ sake: gender equality policies and the UK banking and finance sector, in Scherger,S, Abramowski,R, Dingeldey, I., Hokema, A. and Schäfer,A. (eds) Geschlechterungleichheiten in Arbeit, Wohlfahrtsstaat und Familie. Frankfurt: Campus. pp: 221-247. open access
Plomien, A. and Schwartz, G. (2020) Labour mobility in transnational Europe: between depletion, mitigation and citizenship entitlements harm. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 3(2): 237-256. available here
Plomien, A. (2019) Gender inequality by design: does successful implementation of childcare policy deliver gender-just outcomes? Policy and Society, 38(4): 643-662. open access
Plomien, A. (2019) Time and gendered life course trajectories: paid-work time reduction policies for a gender-just Europe. Essay contribution to the Crowley, N. and Sansonetti, S. (eds) New visions for gender equality 2019. European Commission, 25-28. available here
Plomien, A. (2018) EU social and gender policy beyond Brexit: towards the European Pillar of Social Rights. Social Policy and Society, 17 (2): 281-296. available here
Plomien, A. (2018) Introduction: UK's Membership of the EU: Brexit and the Gains, Losses and Dilemmas for Social Policy. Social Policy and Society, 17(2), 259-264. available here
Plomien, A. (2018) Ania Zbyszewska: Gendering European working time regimes: The working time directive and the case of Poland, book review, Feminist Legal Studies, 26(2), 229-232.
Plomien, A. (2016) The EU and gender equality: better off in, or out? Questions of inequality, gender and im/migration. Engenderings, LSE Gender Institute blog.
Perrons, D., Lacey, N., Phillips, A. Wearing, S., Ashtiany, S., Biressi, A., Carter, C., Chakrabarti, S., Chinkin, C., Couldry, N., Criado-Perez, C., DeLargy, P., Dobbs, L., Harris, S., Himmelweit, S., Jenkins, K., Kabeer, N. , Lovenduski, J., Manning, A., Murray, R. , Negra, D., Neitzert, E., Orgad, S., Plomien, A., Sen, P., Spicer, H., Starmer, K. (2016) Confronting gender inequality: findings from the LSE commission on gender, inequality and power, London School of Economics and Political Science, Gender Institute, London, UK.
Kilkey, M., Plomien, A., and Perrons, D. (2014) Migrant men's fathering narratives, practices and projects in national and transnational spaces: recent Polish male migrants to London, International Migration, 52 (1): 178-191. available here
Evans, M., Hemmings, C., Henry, M., Johnstone,H., Madhok, S., Plomien, A., Wearing, S., (eds) (2014) Handbook of Feminist Theory, Sage; New Delhi/London.
Plomien, A. (2014) Introduction to the section ‘Economy’ in The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory. London: Sage.
Himmelweit, S. and Plomien, A. (2014) Feminist Perspectives on Care: Theory Practice and Policy, in The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory, London: Sage. Chapter 26: 446-464.
Perrons, D. and Plomien, A. (2014) Gender, Inequality and the Crisis: towards more sustainable development, in Karamessini, M. and Rubery, J. (eds) Women and Austerity. The Economic Crisis and the Future for Gender Equality. Routledge. Chapter 15: 295-313.
M. Kilkey, D. Perrons and A. Plomien with P. Hondagneu-Sotelo and H. Ramirez (2013) Gender, Migration and Domestic Work: Masculinities, Male Labour and Fathering in the UK and USA, Palgrave Macmillan: Houndmills Basingstoke.
Plomien, A. and Perrons, D. (2013) Gendering the Euro Crisis, Eurocrisis in the Press Blog, LSE
Plomien, A. (2012) With more than 5 million more Europeans now unemployed due to the crisis, the EU’s approaches to tackling unemployment are treating the symptoms, not the causes. European Politics and Policy Blog, LSE
Plomien, A. (2012) While the EU remains committed to gender equality, the reality still falls far short of policy-makers’ goals. European Politics and Policy Blog, LSE
Perrons, D., Plomien, A. (2010) Why socio-economic inequalities increase? Facts and policy responses in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. available here
Perrons, D., Plomien, A. and Kilkey, M. (2010) Migration and uneven development within an enlarged European Union: Fathering, gender divisions and male migrant domestic services, European Urban and Regional Studies 17 (2): 197-215. available here
Plomien, A. (2010) Gender and the Labour Market in Poland: Domestic Barriers to Europeanisation. Saarbrücken: VDM-VSG
Plomien, A. (2009) Welfare state, gender, and reconciliation of work and family in Poland: policy developments and practice in a new EU member, Social Policy and Administration, 43, (2): 136–151. available here
Lewis, J. and Plomien, A. (2009) ‘Flexicurity’ as a Policy Strategy: the implications for gender equality, Economy and Society, 38 (3) 433-459. available here
Plomien, A. (2006) ‘From Socialism to Capitalism: Women and their Changed Relationship with the Labor Market in Poland’ in Blossfeld, H.P. and Hofmeister, H. (eds) Globalization, Uncertainty, and Women’s Careers: An International Comparison, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. Chapter 10: 247-271.