Lizzie Hobbs

Lizzie Hobbs

Doctoral Researcher

Department of Gender Studies

Key Expertise
Abolition, Carceral-borders, Post/anti-coloniality, Racial capitalism

About me

Lizzie began her PhD in Gender Studies at LSE in 2019 and is part of the GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub. Her research focuses on feminist readings of masculinities, discourse and processes of bordering. She questions the ways in which discourses on migrant masculinites are utilised to justify violent border regimes and anti-migrant politics. She works at Hackney Migrant Centre and several other organisations in the migrant rights sector in London and this forms the basis of her research. Prior to starting her PhD, Lizzie worked as a researcher in Uganda on a project looking at mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for frontline national staff in refugee settlements. Lizzie has a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Exeter and a MA in Conflict, Security and Development from King’s College London. She is a member of the editorial collective for the Engenderings blog.

Supervisory team: Dr Marsha Henry and Dr Kirsten Ainley

Lizzie is also a Graduate Teaching Assistant.