Mandarin taster & workshop in Dulwich




        2018年6月21日下午, 伦敦商务孔子学院下属德威公学孔子课堂举办了一场别开生面的“汉语讲座体验课”活动——此次活动主要面向德威公学汉语课堂的学生不同年级的家长。德威公学是伦敦地区较早开设GCSE汉语课的中学之一,德威对汉语有兴趣的学生可以从九年级开始一直到十二年级完成GCSE汉语的学习。此外,为了让更多的学生接触汉语,德威还为七年级的学生开设了初级汉语必修课。负责德威公学孔子课堂孔院教师廖盾老师策划此次活动并担任主讲人。





On June 21, 2018, Confucius Institute for Business London organised a Mandarin taster & workshop in Dulwich. This event is mainly for students’ parents of different levels in Dulwich College Chinese Class. Dulwich College is one of the early secondary schools in the London area to offer GCSE. Students who are interested in Chinese in Dulwich can complete GCSE from the 9th grade to the 12th grade. In addition, in order to allow more students to learn Chinese, Dulwich also offers a compulsory course for beginners in the seventh grade. Liao Dun, the teacher of the Confucius Institute, organised the event and served as the main speaker.

This activity has both Chinese learning experience and lectures on Chinese learning theory. It aims to help parents understand Chinese and learn how to guide and encourage their child to learn Chinese well. In order to facilitate the parents’ schedule, the event was divided into two sessions.  There were15 parents attended, whose children came from different grades——the 9th grade to the 10th grade.

In the mandarin taster session, Mr. Liao led the parents to learn some pinyin tones, simple dialogues and Chinese words. The atmosphere was pleasant and relaxing. Parents participated in the exercises and games with enthusiasm. Then, Mr. Liao introduced the Chinese teaching situation of the school as well as the linguistic challenges, and gave advice on students’ Chinese learning. What’s more, Mr. Liao also gave patient and detailed explanations to the questions raised by parents. In addition, the lecture also introduced the Confucius Institute Scholarship, the various courses and activities of the London Confucius Institute, and various learning opportunities for students and parents.

After the event, the parents said that although the one-and-a-half-hour was short but the harvest was great. A parent working in the financial industry said that he had not studied foreign languages ​​for many years, but this activity made him feel that Chinese learning is very interesting. He also wanted to learn more about the Chinese language courses for professionals.

The workshop not only provides parents with close contact with Chinese, but also provides opportunities for parents to learn more about the teaching situation of the in Dulwich College. What’s more, the workshop will beneficial to promoting the communication between parents and teachers. In the past two years, Dulwich’s 

Chinese teaching has made new breakthroughs——in 2018, four students with excellent Chinese proficiency applied for the Confucius Institute Scholarship and are expected to study in China in the same year.



撰稿人:廖盾  朱晨溪

Author:  Liao Dun   Zhu Chenxi