Culture Taster Workshop in Company


        伦敦商务孔院的“文化体验坊”,在今年2月春节期间尤显紧锣密鼓。孔院教职工分头赶赴汇丰银行(HSBC)、英格兰银行(Bank of England)、巴克莱银行(Barclays)、渣打银行(Standard chartered)、摩根大通(JP Morgan)、安永(EY)、普华永道(PwC)、德勤(Deloitte)、伟达公关(H+K Strategies)、英国土地公司(British Land)等知名企业,开办中国文化体验坊(workshop),吸引众多职员前来了解中国春节习俗、感受中国百姓生活的趣味。



The ‘Culture taster workshop’ held by Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL), was apparently in full preparation during the Chinese Spring Festival. CIBL staff headed to well-known enterprises carrying out Culture Taster Workshops, including HSBC, Bank of England, Barclays, Standard Chartered, JP Morgan, EY, PwC, Deloitte, H+K Strategies, the British Land... The workshops attracted staff in the enterprises to learn customs of Chinese Spring Festival. Chinese and non-Chinese staff all experienced how ordinary traditional folks enjoy the festival through a variety of activities.

CIBL brought Brushes, Inksticks, Paper and Inkstones, New Year’s Card, Paper Cutting, Costumes and Tea sessions to the companies. In addition, CIBL staff also prepared interactive activities such as writing the ‘FU’ character, drawing traditional Chinese painting, playing charade, giving Chinese names, doing eye exercise, drawing lucky lots and so on. The delicate props and ingenuity activities delivered a lively Spring Festival for the staff in enterprises, which also expressed the organizational ability and communication skills of CIBL staff. The orientation of CIBL and the language courses are virtually extended through all these well-hold events.