Forbidden city

Youth Leaders Summer Programme 2016 – Opening ceremony and the first China-UK Communication Forum


Aug 1-12, 2016 - THU Summer Programme

On 12 August 2016 the first two-week Youth Leaders Summer Programme, sponsored by Hanban and run jointly by the LSE Confucius Institute for Business London, CIBL, and Tsinghua University, THU was brought to a successful conclusion. The programme provided young professionals from London the chance to visit Tsinghua University and explore Chinese language and culture with a strong emphasis on business and establishing networks with Chinese counterparts. The first group of 30 included participants from major UK companies including the UKTI, LSE, HSBC, Ernst & Young, PWC and JP Morgan. 

On 01 August 2016 Professor SHI Yigong, vice president of Tsinghua University, hosted the opening ceremony and delivered a welcome speech to the participants. 

On 03 August 2016 participants attended the first China-UK Communication Forum. Professor XIE Weihe, the deputy director of Tsinghua University Council Committee and the chairman of the LSE Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL) Advisory Council, opened the forum and delivered a speech about the functions and influences of multi-culturalism. Professor XIE was then followed by Professor LIU Xiaofeng, head of Faculty of Arts in Tsinghua University and the Confucius Institute at THU, who also delivered a welcoming speech. After the opening ceremony the forum officially began and was presented by special host Ms ZHAO Mengjie, an LSE alumni who now works in the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. Ms ZHAO introduced each of the speakers: Mr Dominic Stanton, head of the Ministerial and Policy team at UKTI China; Ms YANG Fan, deputy general manager of New China Asset Management and Mr GENG Ke, partner of O'Melveny & Myers LLP. All of the speakers shared their rich industry experience with the participants and discussed Sino-British trade after Brexit and also relevant financial and legal issues. 

In the afternoon of 10 August, the participants visited the Confucius Institute headquarters, Hanban, where they were welcomed by Hanban Director Tian Lei’s and given a presentation on the development of the HSK test by Mr Li Peize, Director of Hanban examination office.

On 10 August 2016 an Elite Professionals Networking Session was held to help participants understand Chinese ways of working and social relationships. A dozen elite Chinese professionals working in state-owned foreign companies were invited to participate so as to deepen mutual friendship via communication and after dinner karaoke. The China-UK Communication Forum and Elite Professionals Networking Session are the essence of Youth Leaders Summer Programme. In addition, 10 students from Tsinghua University met with participants through the exchange activities in the hope that they will become long-term language partners.

The 2016 "Young Leaders" project built on the success of the 2015 programme and contained 35 hours of language learning, cultural lectures, language exchange and cultural excursions. Besides these activities the programme this year added further business related activities such as the China-UK Communication Forum and Elite Professionals Networking Session. In this manner the programme was made stronger and had a greater impact on the language and cultural understand of the participants and, it is hoped, will help future cooperation’s between young leaders form these two great countries.


“ 青年领袖夏令营” 是中国国家汉办支持,由伦敦政治经济学院和清华大学合办的特色项目。第一期30名学员主要来自伦敦的英国投资贸易部、著名学府伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦大学学院以及伦敦的重要金融机构如汇丰、安永、普华永道、摩根大通等。该项目意在通过实地教学和亲身体验,使英国青年精英在中国学习商务汉语语言文化的同时,有机会结识中国商务人士代表,了解中国商务运作特色及法律体制,为日后增强中英各领域的合作做铺垫。


清华大学校务委员会副主任谢维和教授(LSE伦敦商务孔子学院顾问委员主席)主持论坛开幕,并发表了有关多元文化作用和影响的演讲,学员们深受启发,报以热烈的掌声。清华大学人文学院孔子学院负责人刘晓峰教授也代表主办方致欢迎词。论坛邀请的三位主讲嘉宾分别是在北京的英国贸易投资总署部门与政策负责人Dominic Stanton先生,中国新华资产副总裁杨帆女士,美国美迈斯律师事务所合伙人耿科先生。他们结合自己的工作经历,就英国脱欧后的中英贸易,海外人士关心的中国金融,法律等相关重要问题加以介绍和探讨,并与学员们开展互动论坛。特邀主持人赵梦婕女士是LSE的校友,现任职于中国商务部,她代表中国青年领袖参与论坛并客串主持,使得现场气氛特别活跃,讨论热烈。


来自德勤的B 女士说,活动越来越精彩,远远超出自己的想象。



中英论坛和青年精英联谊是2016年青年领袖项目的精华活动,除此之外,8月8日还举办了语伴见面会,来自清华的10名学生通过见面会交流活动将成为今年营员的长期语伴;8月10日汉办总部接待了我们对孔子学院总部的参观活动,汉办田磊处长的出席让营员们大受鼓舞,营员们也为汉办的文化体验中心人机交互活动和中国传统文化的多样化所震撼, 同时汉办考试处处长李佩泽就HSK考试的发展做了精彩介绍,让学员对8月11日的HSK考试更加期待。

