Hanging Fu characters

Confucius Day at Christ's college Finchley


Sep 28, 2016 - Finchley Confucius Day2

On 28 September 2016, the Confucius Institute for Business London held a Confucius Day event at Christ’s College Finchley (CCF). CIBL staff departed for Finchley at 10:30am and helped to set up the classrooms and the drama hall when they arrived. After the preparations, CIBL staff were invited to have lunch with the CCF management team in the school canteen. The event started at 13:00. First, Katherine Mundy, head of modern languages, welcomed everyone to the event and introduced CIBL staff to the students. After that, Gidon Gautel, a former student of at Dulwich School and recipient of a six month Confucius Institute Scholarship to Tsinghua university, made a presentation to encourage students to learn Chinese and Chinese culture. After this, performers from Southbank University gave a lion dance show which impressed all the students and teachers. The event was concluded by some taster classes about Chinese painting, calligraphy and language. The Confucius day at Finchley was very fruitful as it increased the cooperation between CIBL and CCF.

2016年9月28日,伦敦商务孔子学院在Christ’s College Finchley成功举办了孔子学院日活动。CIBL员工上午十点半出发前往Finchley并且在到达后布置了会场和教室。准备工作完成后,CIBL员工被邀请到学校食堂享用午餐。活动正式开始于下午一点。首先,语言部主任Katherine发表了欢迎致词并向学生们介绍了各位来宾。之后,前Dulwich学生Giden Gaotel发表了演讲鼓励学生们上汉语课,了解中国文化。最后,来自南岸大学的表演团队为大家带来了精彩的舞狮表演。本次活动以学生们体验中国书法、绘画和汉语课而结束,取得了圆满的成功。本次活动加强了伦敦商务孔子学院与Finchley中学的合作,具有重大的意义。