Miss Yiliu  Wang

Miss Yiliu Wang

PhD student

Department of Statistics

Room No
COL 5.02
Connect with me

Key Expertise
Representation Learning, Learning Theory, Social Network, Graph Neural Nets

About me

Yiliu is a third year PhD student in the Data Science group of Department of Statistics. She is fortunate to be advised by Prof. Milan Vojnovic and supported by the Lee Family Scholarship. Prior to joining LSE, she earned a master degree in Maths and Statistics at St John's college, University of Oxford. On the theoretical side, her research is mainly on representation learning, and in particular the underlying statistical inference, optimization, approximation and learning problems. On the applied side, she is interested in the related problems in social networks and graph neural networks. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, gardening, feeding aqua etc.

Research Groups
Data Science, Time Series and Statistical Learning

Professor Milan VojnovicDr. Xinghao Qiao