Read about the research taking place in different departments across the School, how the PhD candidates feel being a part of LSE, and their advice for prospective students.

Jose A Bolanos
Jose is a Postdoctoral Research Officer at the Centre for Analysis of Risk & Regulation and studies how organisations tackle complex policy problems.
Read the Q&A with Jose A Bolanos
Tammy Campbell
A British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow investigating inequalities faced by young children of special educational needs and disabilities (SENDs).
Read the Q&A with Tammy Campbell
Anni Kajanus
A Leverhulme Early Career Fellow researching the dynamics of human cooperation, conflict and competition from a cognitive anthropological perspective.
Read the Q&A with Anni Kajanus
Azhar Hussain
A PhD student researching the impact of climate change and environmental externalities in developing countries.
Read the Q&A with Azhar Hussain
Hasret Cetinkaya
A Postdoctoral researcher on rights-claiming and rights-making in the Kurdish led Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).
Read the Q&A with Hasret Cetinkaya
Do Young Oh
A PhD candidate studying the historical relationship between universities and the urbanisation process in East Asia, from colonial times to the current era.
Read the Q&A with Do Young Oh
Jeanne Firth
A PhD candidate investigating food systems and the humanitarian aid work undertaken by celebrity chefs in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.
Read the Q&A With Jeanne Firth
Sandro Provenzano
A PhD candidate investigating the impact of mineral mine openings on local economic development and urbanisation in Africa.
Read the Q&A With Sandro Provenzano
Pia Andres
A research student investigating international trade and competitiveness in clean and dirty technology.
Read the Q&A with Pia Andres
Sandra Obradovic
(Postdoctoral) LSE Fellow and Associate Researcher of the Electoral Psychology Observatory studying the nature of group identities and the impact this has on public opinion towards political change.
Read the Q&A with Sandra Obradovic
Shoshana Lauter
A PhD candidate researching trauma and mental healthcare.
Read the Q&A with Shoshana Lauter
Gijs Marijn van Selm
PhD student researching the localisation of humanitarian aid in complex emergencies.
Read the Q&A with Gijs Marijn van Selm
Joe Roussos
A PhD candidate researching how policymakers can make decisions in the face of highly uncertain science.
Read the Q&A with Joe
Kate Laffan
PhD candidate studying the reciprocal relationship between human wellbeing and the natural environment.
Read the Q&A with Kate Laffan
Haneen Naamneh
PhD candidate researching how the Palestinian community in Jerusalem experienced transformation following the Israeli occupation.
Read the Q&A with Haneen Naamneh
Yajing Zhu
PhD candidate studying the effects of childhood socioeconomic circumstances on adults’ mental and physical health.
Read the Q&A with Yajing Zhu
Julian Göpffarth
PhD candidate with the European Institute studying the role and drivers of intellectual support for far right populism in Germany.
Read the Q&A with Julian
Diane Bolet
PhD candidate with the European Institute explaining the rise of the radical right in Europe.
Read the Q&A with Diane
Virginia Crespi de Valldaura
PhD candidate with the European Institute researching the role of the French and Spanish Socialist parties in building the Single Market and Economic and Monetary Union in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Read the Q&A with Virginia
Sarah Gerwens
PhD candidate with the European Institute exploring how people speak about race in a supposedly post-race society.
Read the Q&A with Sarah