Teresa Almeida

Teresa Almeida

Research Officer in Behavioural Science

The Inclusion Initiative

English, Portuguese
Key Expertise
Decision making, Behavioural science, Inclusion

About me

Teresa is a Research Officer in Behavioural Science at The Inclusion Initiative (TII). At TII she contributes to the Inclusive Leaders Hub. She holds an MSc in Behavioural Science from the London School of Economics where she conducted research into decision-making and trust in automation. Her research is focused on inclusion, with particular interest in understanding how individual differences and contextual factors impact labour market outcomes. Teresa is also interested in the intersection between behavioural science and the adoption and use of technology.

Her background is in management and behavioural science, and she focuses on using secondary data and experimental approaches from both economics and psychology to more effectively understand, measure and design behavioural change. 

Expertise Details

Decision making; Behavioural science; Inclusion