I came to the LSE after a parallel career as a development economist and a junior instructor in philosophy of economics. Before coming to London, I have studied economics for several years (undergraduate and master) and have taken many courses in philosophy of science and moral philosophy. As many people with similar backgrounds know well, these two branches of knowledge do not interact as much as one would like. This is not only something bad in itself, it also makes even more difficult the choosing of a career in the disciplinary-shaped academic world of today. For me, and for many of my classmates, the one year MSc programme offered by the LSE on philosophy of the social sciences was a great space not only for learning, but also for taking career decisions.

The programme is surely not as broad as other MAs in terms of philosophy (e.g. you won’t study much Greek philosophy), but it is very broad regarding the aspects where the practice (and diffusion) of science raises philosophical questions. It is difficult to think of any other place as good as LSE for those with scientific background and interests in the philosophical aspects of science.