Professor Ross Cranston in Ghana

Ross Cranston-2017

Professor Ross Cranston visited Ghana in the week of 16 October on a pro bono basis to attend a workshop for High Court judges who handle commercial cases. Judges came from around the country to attend the workshop in Accra. It was opened by the Chief Justice of Ghana. Over the two days Professor Cranston made a number of formal presentations and also participated in small group discussions with the judges concerning challenges facing them.  

Whilst in Accra he met separately the Chief Justice, the Director of the Judicial Training Institute, and the Country Director of the UK’s Department for International Development.  He visited the School of Law at the University of Ghana and met the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor E. K. Quashigah and the law librarian, Joe Antah.

Professor Cranston also met an old friend, Justice S. K. Date-Bah, formerly of Ghana’s Supreme Court. Justice Date-Bah obtained his PhD from the School in 1969 with a thesis on “Contract law and Economic Development in Ghana and Nigeria”. He then went on to have a distinguished career in a number of law schools in Africa, as a legal adviser at the Commonwealth Secretariat and on Ghana’s highest court.