
Admissions calendar

See the important dates in the admissions process and key dates when either information will be sent to you, or when you need to send information to us.

3 September 2024
UCAS admissions cycle opens
Early October 2024 to 14 May 2025
LSE assesses applications submitted to the School aiming to make a decision as quickly as possible and before the final deadline of 14 May 2025
November 2024
LSE transmits its first decisions to UCAS. Further decisions are transmitted on a weekly basis and can be found on UCAS Hub.
29 January 2025 (18.00 GMT)
UCAS equal consideration deadline. LSE deadline for receipt of applications to be considered 'on-time'
From January 2025
Newsletters sent to all applicants holding an offer of a place. Further newsletters are sent on a monthly basis throughout spring and summer
Early March 2025
LSE invites applicants to sit the Undergraduate Admissions Assessment (UGAA)
Late March 2025
Undergraduate Admissions Assessment (UGAA) 
14 May 2025
UCAS deadline for final decisions on all applications
Spring 2025
Applicants who are holding a firm offer at LSE will be invited to create their LSE Public account, as well as submit a Student Verification Form (SVF) and a Financial Undertaking Form (FUF)
4 June 2025                   UCAS Reply deadline
30 June 2025
Deadline for offer holders studying the International Baccalaureate to submit extenuating circumstances 
31 July 2025
Deadline for offer holders to request a deferral 
31 July 2025
Deadline for offer holders studying any qualification other than the International Baccalaureate to submit extenuating circumstances
31 July 2025
Deadline for offer holders to submit certified copies of previous qualifications and/or English Language qualifications to the Undergraduate Admissions Office
14 August 2025
Official publication of A-level results
Mid to late August 2025
Confirmation period; LSE aims to make final decisions on the applications of all offer holders whose results we have received
Late August/early September 2025

5 September 2025
Welcome information is sent to all unconditional firm (UF) offer holders

Deadline for offer holders to send verification of spring/summer 2025 academic results to the Undergraduate Admissions Office
5 September 2025
Deadline for offer holders to inform the Undergraduate Admissions Office of the results of any re-marks. This date is set by UCAS and is non-negotiable
Late September 2025
Registration at LSE