PhD recent completions

PhD recent completions



Gemma Williams (July 2024)
Essays on the relationship between unemployment and worklessness across the life course and cardiovascular disease risk factors in the United Kingdom
Supervisors: Professor Lucinda Platt, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Milagros Vandemoortele (July 2024)
Parental socioeconomic status and children’s academic achievement: longitudinal evidence from Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Dr Kitty Stewart 
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Grace Chang (July 2024)
Essays on adolescents' time allocation and development
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Professor Berkay Özcan
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Fiona Gogescu (July 2024)
Educational stratification and understandings of meritocracy: a comparative perspective
Supervisors: Professor Anne West, Dr Sonia Exley
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Michaela Sedovicova (July 2024)
Immigrants’ wellbeing in Europe: how it changes with the hostility and hospitality of their environment
Supervisors: Professor Lucinda Platt, Professor Berkay Özcan
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Joe Strong (January 2024)
Troubling Men: Interrogating masculinities and sexual and reproductive health in Accra, Ghana 
Supervisors: Professor Ernestina Coast, Dr Tiziana Leone
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Nicola Brimblecombe (November 2023)
Unpaid carers and unmet need for social care services in England          
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Dr Tania Burchardt
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Lucy Bryant (September 2023)
Who's Running the Show? The regulation of live music in England and Wales
Supervisors: Dr Leonidas Cheliotis, Professor Tim Newburn 
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Valentina Contreras Silva (March 2023)
Essays on gender and higher education 
Supervisors: Professor Berkay Özcan, Professor Stephen Jenkins   
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Alice Miles (December 2022)
Under Pressure: status-related consumption in the ‘squeezed middle’ 
Supervisors: Dr Tania Burchardt, Professor Julian Le Grand
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Orsola Torrisi
 (December 2022)
Armed conflict and family outcomes: The consequences of exposure to war on fertility, teen marriage and intimate partner violence     
Supervisors:Dr Arjan Gjonca, Dr Berkay Özcan
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Eileen Alexander (December 2022)
The Ultimate Safety Net? Informal financial support among low-income households   
Supervisors: Professor Anne Power, Dr Kitty Stewart 
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Philippa Mullins (July 2022)
Disability Organising in Russia: Legitimacy, Resistance, and their Limits
Supervisors: Dr Armine Ishkanian, Dr Tania Burchardt
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Pupul Prasad (July 2022)
The Prospect of Restorative Juvenile Justice in India: Insights from Youth Justice in England and Wales   
Supervisors: Dr Leonidas Cheliotis, Professor Tim Newburn
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Patricia Hiddleston (June 2022)
A systems analysis of child protection and a natural disaster: a study of Typhoon Yolanda and the Gigantes Islands   
Supervisors: Professor Eileen Munro, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Jaehyoung Park (May 2022)
The Political Economy of Social Investment Policies: Evidence from the OECD Countries  
Supervisors: Dr Timo Fleckenstein, Professor Lucinda Platt
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Aapo Hiilamo (May 2022)
Ageing in the age of debt: household debt and mental wellbeing among people aged 50 years and older     
Supervisors: Dr Tania Burchardt, Dr Jouni Kuha
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Rana Khazbak (April 2022)
“They’ve come into our area and they’re tryna make us feel like we don’t belong here” – Young people’s wellbeing and mixed income social housing 
Supervisors: Dr Tania Burchardt, Dr Mike Shiner
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Victoria Donnaloja (April 2022)
What does it mean to be a citizen? The perspectives of immigrants and natives in Europe  
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Professor Lucinda Platt
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Jessica Ng (November 2021)
Costs and benefits of goal advancement: organisational sustainability in LGBT NGOs in post-same-sex marriage Canada 
Supervisors: Dr Timothy Hildebrandt, Professor David Lewis
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Julia Philipp (October 2021)
Essays on gender inequality in the labour market    
Supervisors: Dr Berkay Özcan, Dr Joan Costa-Font
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Sam Mohun Himmelweit (September 2021)
Shifting Ideas: work-family policy reform in Germany and England, 1997-2008 
Supervisors: Professor Anne West, Dr Timo Fleckenstein
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Rafael Carranza (June 2021)
'Essays on Inequality of Opportunity: Measurement, Drivers and Consequences'
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Dr Berkay Özcan  
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Aveek Bhattacharya (May 2021)
'How much choice is enough? The intrinsic (dis)value of secondary school choice in England and Scotland'
Supervisors: Dr Tania Burchardt, Professor Julian Legrand
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Nicholas Mathers (April 2021)
'Poverty, cash transfers and adolescents' lives: exploring the unintended consequences of Nepal's social pension'
Supervisors: Dr Kitty Stewart, Professor Ernestina Coast
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Joaquin Prieto-Suarez (April 2021)
'New approaches to measuring economic and social well-being in Chile'
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Dr Grace Lordan
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Valentina Iemmi (February 2021)
'Sustainable financing for global mental health: the role of external funding for mental health in low- and middle-income countries'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor Ernestina Coast, Dr Clare WenhamRead here



Laura Sochas (December 2020)
'Context and heterogeneity: a novel approach to explaining maternal health inequalities in Zambia'
Supervisors: Dr Tiziana Leone, Professor Ernestina Coast
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Antonella Bancalari Valderrama (December 2020)
'Public Infrastructure and Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The Case of the Sanitation'
Supervisors: Dr Berkay Ozcan, Dr Joan Costa-Font
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Tasseli McKay (September 2020)
'When state violence comes home: partner violence in an era of mass incarceration'
Supervisors: Dr Leonidas Cheliotis, Dr Jonathan Jackson
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Ellie Suh (June 2020)
'Younger adults’ retirement saving and wealth accumulation in Britain: a quantitative investigation'
Supervisors: Professor John Hills, Professor Irini Moustaki
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Ilias Ioannis Kyriopoulos (April 2020)
''Essays on inequalities in health and health care during economic recessions'
Supervisors: Professor Elias Mossialos, Dr Panos Kanavos        
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Melissa Shannon (March 2020)
'The politics of population change: three papers examining how attitudes towards immigrants influence support for restrictionist policies & the impact of political messages'
Supervisors: Professor Lucinda Platt, Dr Amanda Sheely     
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Daniel Fujiwara (February 2020)
'Valuing non-market goods using subjective wellbeing data'
Supervisors: Professor Paul Dolan, Professor Ali McGuire 
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Rishita Nandagiri (January 2020)
'Nirdhāra: a multimethod study of women's abortion trajectories in Karnataka, India'
Supervisors: Professor Ernestina Coast, Dr Tiziana Leone     
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Filippo Temporin (January 2020)
'What matters most for newborns’ survival? Patterns of socioeconomic determinants of neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in Bolivia'
Supervisors: Dr Arjan Gjonca, Professor Fiona Steele
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Marco Palillo (January 2020)
'Road to manhood: masculinity and vulnerability across the central Mediterranean migration route to Europe'             
Supervisors: Dr Coretta Phillips, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Dwan Kaoukji (January 2020)
'Innovation: buzzword or development solution? An analysis of innovation among non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in international devleopment'
Supervisor: Professor David Lewis
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Tze Ming Mok (December 2019)
'Inside the box: ethnic choice and ethnic change for mixed people in the UK'
Supervisors: Professor Lucinda Platt, Dr Kitty Stewart
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Ginevra Floridi (November 2019)
'Intergenerational transfers and productive ageing in a cross-national comparative perspective'
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Dr Benjamin Lauderdale
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Gabriel Heller-Sahlgren (November 2019)
'Causal inference in social policy: evidence from education, health and immigration'
Supervisors: Professor Julian Legrand, Dr Olmo Silva
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Nora Ratzmann (October 2019)
'Caught between the local and the (trans)national EU citizens at the front-line of German welfare policy'
Supervisors: Professor Hartley Dean, Dr Isabel Shutes
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Miranda Bevan (July 2019)
'Children and young people in police custody: an exploration of the experience of children and young people detained in police custody following arrest, from the perspective of the young suspect'
Supervisors: Professor Tim Newburn, Dr Coretta Phillips
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Klara Lorenz (June 2019)
'The well-being and quality of life of men and women of different ages providing care for a relative with dementia'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor Emily Grundy
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Alexis Palfreyman (May 2019)
'Trajectories of self-directed violence amongst women of reproductive age in Sri Lanka' 
Supervisors: Professor Ernestina Coast, Dr Arjan Gjonca   
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Wilson Guzman (May 2019)
'Social policies in Ecuador: the effects of minimum wages and cash transfers' 
Supervisors: Dr Berkay Özcan, Professor Stephen Jenkins
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Cristián Crespo Rojas (April 2019)
'Essays on conditional cash transfers, targeting and educational outcomes: evidence from Chile'
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Dr Grace Lordan            
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Diego Alburez Gutierrez (March 2019)
'Beyond excess mortality: the demographic life of a Mayan community after a war of massacres'    
Supervisors: Dr Arjan Gjonca, Dr Tiziana Leone
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Vanessa Davey (March 2019)
'Social care for older people: the role and function of direct payments'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor Julien Forder
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Tatiana Paredes-Torres (January 2019)
'Essays on the impact evaluation of social programes and public sector reforms'
Supervisors: Professor Ali McGuire, Professor Stephen Jenkins
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Ewa Batyra (January 2019)
'Fertility and contraceptive use in Latin America'
Supervisors: Dr Tiziana Leone, Professor Mikko Myrskyla
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Lamia Irfan (January 2019) 
'Beyond the Muslim prisoner: understanding religious identification amongst Muslim offenders'
Supervisors: Dr Coretta Phillips, Professor Tim Newburn
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Catherine Henderson (December 2018) 
'An economic evaluation of Telehealth and Telecare in England'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Dr Jose-Luis Fernandez
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Olivier Wouters (December 2018) 
'Essays on prices, volumes, and policies in generic drug markets in high and middle-income countries'
Supervisors: Professor Panos Kanavos, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Niccolo Durazzi (November 2018) 
'The political economy of High Skills: higher education in knowledge societies'
Supervisors: Dr Timo Fleckenstein, Dr Sonia Exley
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Monique Vanni (November 2018)
'Brazilian açaí berry and non-timber forest product value chains as determinants of development from a global perspective'
Supervisors: Professor Tony Hall, Dr Tim Forsyth
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Katherine Summers (October 2018)
'Money and meaning: how working-age social security recipients understand and use their money'
Supervisors: Professor John Hills and Professor Hartley Dean
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Eva-Maria Bonin (August 2018)
'The societal costs of Anorexia nervosa in England: an investigation into the direct, indirect and intangible costs with particular regard to the role of outpatient services'
Supervisors: Professor Jeni Beecham, Dr Jose-Luis Fernandez
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Lisa Trigg (August 2018)
'Improving the quality of residential care for older people: a study of government approaches in England and Australia'
Supervisors: Dr José-Luis Fernández and Dr Isabel Shutes
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Edward Barnett (July 2018)
'Education quality in Malawi: what role for decentralisation?'
Supervisors: Professor Anne West, Professor Stephen Jenkins
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Emilie Courtin (June 2018)
'Do living arrangements affect depression in later life? Evidence from Europe and the United States'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor Emily Grundy
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Samantha Lattof (April 2018) 
'Migration and health: a mixed-methods study among female migrants in Accra, Ghana'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Tiziana Leone
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Laura Kudrna (April 2018)
'Please award this degree, even though it is likely to make others miserable-and me too: an investigation of the relationships of absolute and relative socio-economic status with subjective wellbeing in the United States and England'
Supervisors: Professor Paul Dolan, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Kate Laffan (February 2018)
'Issues relating to behaviour, wellbeing and the environment'
Supervisors: Professor Paul Dolan, Dr Simon Dietz
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Belén Sáenz de Miera Juárez (February 2018) 
'The expansion of public health insurance in Mexico: health, financial and distributional effects'.
Supervisors: Dr Joan Costa-Font, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Sebastian Salas-Vega (January 2018) 
'Cancer medicines: Clinical impact, economics, and value'.
Supervisors: Professor Elias Mossialos, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Juliette Malley (January 2018) 
'Adjusting for unobserved and observed heterogeneity in survey-based performance indicators: an application to adult social care in England'
Supervisors: Dr Jose-Luis Fernandez, Professor Martin Knapp
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Kerris Cooper (December 2017)
'Poverty and parenting in the UK'
Supervisors: Professor Lucinda Platt, Dr Kitty Stewart
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Elena Mariani (September 2017)
'The relationship between family context and job satisfaction: a quantitative investigation'
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Dr Berkay Özcan
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Aris Angelis (August 2017)
'Multiple criteria decision analysis for assessing the value of new medical technologies: researching, developing and applying a new value framework for the purpose of health technology assessment'
Supervisors: Dr Panos Kanavos, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Madeleine Stevens (August 2017)
'Drawing on parents’ experiences to explore how to prevent high-risk primary school children developing antisocial and criminal behaviour'
Supervisors: Professor Jeni Beecham, Professor Anne Power
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Robyn Rowe (July 2017)
'Gender and the politics of welfare: a study of social assistance policies towards lone mothers in Britain, 1948-1966'.
Supervisors: Professor John Macnicol, Professor Howard Glennester   
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Alessandra Ferrario (June 2017)
'Access to cancer medicines in Europe: an analysis of existing challenges and countries' responses'
Supervisors: Dr Panos Kanavos, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Christina Novinskey (April 2017)
'Determining policy priorities in a devolved health system: an analytical framework'
Supervisors: Dr Joan Costa-Font, Dr Timo Fleckenstein
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Helen Athanasiou  (April 2017)
'Working together to protect children: a case study of policy implementation in Greece.'
Supervisors: Professor Eileen Munro
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Else Knudsen (March 2017)
'The experiences of Canadian children of prisoners'
Supervisors: Dr Coretta Phillips, Dr Kitty Stewart
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Rikki Dean (March 2017)
'Democratising bureaucracy: the many meanings of public participation in social policy and how to harness them'
Supervisors: Dr Tania Burchardt, Professor Hartley Dean
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Clare Menozzi-Ammerman (February 2017)
'Performance based contracting as a policy tool for promoting timely exits from out-of-home care: a comparative analysis'
Supervisors: Dr Wendy Sigle-Rushton, Professor Eileen Munro
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Ismini Drakou (January 2017)
'Inequalities and Inequity in utilisation of health care among the older people in Greece'
Supervisors: Professor Elias Mossialos
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Elena Gallmann (December 2016)
'A critical appraisal of coverage and resource allocation decisions through the use of technology assessment: evidence on orphan drugs from four countries'
Supervisors: Dr Panos Kanavos, Professor Paul Dolan
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Elizabeth Bailey (September 2016)
'The development of the city technology college programme: 1980s conservative ideas about English secondary education'
Supervisors: Professor Anne West, Dr Sonia Exley
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Heini Väisänen (July 2016)
'A life course perspective to abortion in Finland'
Supervisors: Professor Mike Murphy, Dr Tiziana Leone
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Thomas Guiney
 (April 2016)
'In the shadow of the prison gates: an institutional analysis of early release policy and practice in England and Wales, 1960 – 1995'
Supervisors: Professor Tim Newburn, Professor Robert Reiner
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Rachel Deacon (March 2016)
'Young people, HIV prevention and policy making in the rural Eastern Cape, South Africa'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Nika Fuchkan (February 2016)
'Burden of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - health, social and economic impacts of exposure to the London bombings
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor Jeni Beecham
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Jack Cunliffe (January 2016)
'Offending risk factors and area: an investigation using structural equation modelling'
Supervisors: Professor Tim Newburn, Professor John Hills
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Ravit Alfandari (January 2016)
'An evaluation of child protection reform in Israel'
Supervisors: Professor Eileen Munro, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Ben Wilson (December 2015)
'Origin, destination and convergence: understanding the fertility of international migrants and their descendants'
Supervisors: Dr Wendy Sigle-Rushton, Dr Jouni Kuha
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Chantal Morel
 (December 2015)
'Pharmaceutical prices 1999-2008: an exploration into global variation, comparative measures, and potential determinants'
Supervisors: Professor Alistair McGuire , Professor Elias Mossialos
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Jonathan Cylus (December 2015)
'Do unemployment benefits affect health? Evidence from the United States'
Supervisors: Professor Alistair McGuire, Dr Grace Lordan
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Annika Silva-Leander (October 2015)
'The role and influence of nongovernmental organisations on anti-corruption policy reform in Indonesia
Supervisors: Professor Anthony Hall, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Valeria Cetorelli
 (October 2015)
'Demographic and health effects of the 2003-2011 War in Iraq'
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Dr Tiziana Leone
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Scott Naysmith (September 2015)
'A qualitative study of avian influenza A H5N1 at the human-animal interface: examining constructions of risk and associated behaviours of people who work with poultry in three live bird markets in Indonesia'
Supervisors: Professor Tony Barnett, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Janeille Matthews (September 2015)
'Competing constructions: a mixed methods investigation of the popular and media framing of the Antigua crime story'
Supervisors: Dr Mike Shiner, Dr Coretta Phillips
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Kênia Parsons 
(July 2015)
'Reaching out to the persistently poor in rural areas: an analysis of Brazil’s Bolsa Família conditional cash transfer programme'
Supervisors: Professor Anthony Hall, Professor John Hills
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Jacqueline Damant 
(July 2015)
'Older adults, e-inclusion and access to ICT-based care'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Dr Paul Freddolino
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Kenzo Asahi (July 2015)
'Impacts of better transport accessibility: evidence from Chile
Supervisors: Professor Stephen Jenkins, Professor Steve Gibbons
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Jennifer Klot (June 2015)
'The United Nations Security Council’s agenda on ‘Women, Peace and Security’: bureaucratic pathologies and unrealised potential'
Supervisors: Professor Jude Howell, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Somparat Srisantisuk 
(June 2015)
'Pro-poor Tourism Policy in Thailand'
Supervisor: Dr Sunil Kumar
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Laurence Lannes 
(May 2015)
'An analysis of health service delivery performance in Rwanda'
Supervisors: Dr Joan Costa-Font, Professor David Lewis
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Philipp Hessel (May 2015)
'Long-term effects of economic fluctuations on health and cognition in Europe and the United States'
Supervisors: Professor Mike Murphy, Professor John Macnicol
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Eleri Jones 
(May 2015)
'Care-seeking for birth in urban India'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Tiziana Leone
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Anne Marie Brady (April 2015)
'From No Work to Work? The role of job placement and skills training services in assisting unemployment Benefit II recipients find work under Germany's Hartz IV welfare reforms'
Supervisors: Professor Hartley Dean, Dr Steen Mangen
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Corinna Sorenson (March 2015)
'Toward effective health technology regulation'
Supervisors: Professor Elias Mossialos, Dr Adam Oliver
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Marigen Narea (February 2015)
'Who cares for our children matters: early maternal employment, early childcare and child development in Chile'
Supervisors: Dr Kitty Stewart, Professor Paul Dolan
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Guy Doron (February 2015)
'Is empowerment of disadvantaged populations achievable through housing policies? A study of the impact of social housing on the empowerment of the poor in Israel'
Supervisor: Professor Anne Power
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Paul Bouanchaud
 (January 2015)
'Male sex work in China: understanding the HIV risk environments of Shenzhen's migrant money boys'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Victoria de Menil (December 2014)
'Under-cover in Kenya: the contribution of non-state actors to mental health coverage'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Dr David McDaid
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Katie Bates (November 2014)
'Double or divergent? Stuntingoverweightness among children and the 'burden' of malnutrition: a study of Albania'
Supervisors: Dr Arjan Gjonca, Dr Tiziana Leone
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Huseyin Naci (September 2014)
'Generating comparativedata on clinical benefits and harms of statins to inform prescribing decisions: evidence from network meta-analyses'
Supervisors: Professor Elias Mossialos, Dr Caroline Rudisill
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Silvia López Herrero (August 2014)
'Inter-sector partnerships: complex dynamics and patterns of behaviour'
Supervisors: Professor Anthony Hall, Professor Evangelia Mitleton-Kelly
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Sarah Heilmann (June 2014)
'Life-chances of children in Indonesia: The links between parental resources and children's outcomes in the areas of nutrition, cognition and health'
Supervisors: Dr Kitty Stewart, Professor John Hills
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Marya Saidi (June 2014)
'No place like HOME: specialist housing services for people with mental health problems. outcomes, movements and experiences'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor Jeni Beecham
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Claudia Niza (June 2014)
'The impact of patient financial incentives to promote blood donation and compliance with health care'
Supervisors: Professor Paul Dolan, Dr Caroline Rudisill
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Philipa Mladovsky (June 2014) 
'Social capital and enrolment in community based health insurance in Senegal'
Supervisors: Professor Elias Mossialos, Professor David Lewis
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Joanna Marczak (June 2014)
'Childbearing intentions of Polish nationals in Poland and the UK: progression to the second child'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast , Dr Wendy Sigle-Rushton
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Louise Caffrey (June 2014)
'Managing the commitment to protect children from maltreatment: the case of child contact centres in England'
Supervisor: Professor Eileen Munro
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Daniel Bear (May 2014)
'Adapting, acting out, or standing firm: understanding the place of drugs in policing of a London borough'
Supervisors: Dr Mike Shiner, Dr Jon Jackson
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Wei Yang (May 2014)
'An analysis of inequities and inefficiencies in health and healthcare in China'
Supervisors: Dr Panos Kanavos, Dr Caroline Rudisill
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Benjamin Richards (May 2014)
'National identity and social cohesion: theory and evidence for British social policy'
Supervisors: Professor Hartley Dean, Dr Tania Burchardt
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Harald Wilkoszewski (April 2014) 
'Germany's social policy challenge: public intergenerational transfers in  light of demographic change'
Supervisors: Professor Mike Murphy, Dr Wendy Sigle-Rushton
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Sinead Walsh (April 2014)
'The improbability of accountability of nongovernmental organisations to their intended beneficiaries: the case of Action-Aid'
Supervisors: Professor David Lewis, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Lucia Kossarova (April 2014)
'Assessing the performance the Slovak and the Czech health systems: a case study examiining the double transition and beyond'
Supervisors: Professor Alistair McGuire, Dr Joan Costa-Font
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Bryan Jones (March 2014)
'The impact of regeneration on existing communities in Kent Thameside since 1991'
Supervisor: Professor Anne Power
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Alice Goisis (March 2014)
'Childbearing postponement and child well-being in the UK: reconciling and integrating different perspectives'
Supervisors: Professor Mike Murphy, Dr Wendy Sigle-Rushton
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Kok Hoe Ng (January 2014)
'The prospects for old-age income security in Hong Kong and Singapore'
Supervisors: Professor John Hills, Dr Jonathan Hopkin
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Amy Challen (December 2013)
'Feelings, friends and behaviour: non-cognitive attributes of pupils at English secondary schools'
Supervisors: Professor Alistair McGuire, Professor Anne West
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Clara Rubincam (October 2013)
'Alternative beliefs about HIV/AIDS: re-examining distrust among young adults in Cape Town, South Africa'
Supervisors: Professor Tony Barnett, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Ian Andrews (August 2013)
'It's a man's game: English football and socio-cultural change'
Supervisors: Professor Eric Dunning, Professor Anne West
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Shaffa Hameed (August 2013)
'Sexual health policies and youth: a case study of the Maldives'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Mrigesh Bhatia
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Jonathan Roberts (June 2013)
'Trust and early years education and care: an exploration of parents' trust in preschool provision'
Supervisor: Professor Anne West
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Bo Hu (April 2013)
'Education for migrant children: policy implementation in the changing urban education system in China'
Supervisors: Dr Bingqin Li, Professor David Piachaud
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Eleanor Hukin (April 2013)
'Contraception in Cambodia: explaining unmet need'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Professor David Lewis
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Lauren Lacey (March 2013)
'Youth justice in England and Wales: exploring young offenders' perceptions of restorative and procedural justice in the referral order process'
Supervisors: Professor Tim Newburn, Dr Mike Shiner
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Melody Mohebi (January 2013) 
'Intellectuals, reform and the making of a modern Iranian civil society (1997-2005)'
Supervisors: Professor Jude Howell, Professor David Lewis
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Rod Hick (January 2013)
'Poverty as capability deprivation: employing the capability approach as the basis for conceptualising and measuring poverty and deprivation in a rich nation, Social Policy context'
Supervisors: Dr Tania Burchardt, Professor David Piachaud

Jie Du (January 2013)
'The Politics of Engendering the policy process: case studies of two campaigns in China - the anti-domestic violence campaign and equal retirement age campaign'
Supervisors: Professor Jude Howell, Dr Bingqin Li
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Emily Freeman (January 2013)
'Older adults' experiences of ageing, sex and HIV infection in rural Malawi.'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Rebecca Sear
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Tony Hockley (November 2012)  
'A giant leap by small steps: The Conservative Party and National Health Service reform.'
Supervisor: Professor Elias Mossialos
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Nicole Barbery Bleyleben (October 2012)
'Beyond the fine print: water sector reform and private sector participation. Case study based on La Paz/EI Alto PPP concession'
Supervisor: Dr Sunil Kumar
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Azusa Sato (October 2012)
'Rationales for traditional medicines utilisation and its equity implications: the case of Ghana'
Supervisors: Dr Joan Costa-Font, Professor Elias Mossialos
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Jihyung Hong (October 2012)
'Socio-economic inequalities in mental health and their determinants in South Korea'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor Alistair McGuire
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Ludovica Gambaro (September 2012)
'Why are childcare workers low paid? An analysis of pay in the UK childcare sector 1994-2008.'
Supervisors: Professor Jane Lewis, Professor David Piachaud
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Harald Schmidt (August 2012)
'Just health responsibility:  a comparative analysis of the role of individual behaviour in relation to cancer and weight-control policy in German and US health care systems'
Supervisors: Professor Julian LeGrand, Dr Alex Voorhoeve
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Eliud Wekesa (August 2012)
'A new lease of life: sexual and reproductive behaviour among PLWHA in the ART era in Nairobi slums'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Paul Mathews (June 2012)
'Plasticity, life history and inclusive fitness: an evolutionary demography perspective on individual variation in fertility and fertility preferences in contemporary Britain'
Supervisors: Dr Rebecca Sear, Dr Wendy Sigle-Rushton
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Gabriela Mejia-Pailles (April 2012)
'A life course perspective on social and family formation transitions to adulthood of young men and women in Mexico'
Supervisors: Professor Michael Murphy, Dr Arjan Gjonca
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Eleanor Barham (April 2012)
'Markets, selection and equity: how reputation and popularity influence admissions and recruitment in universities in England'
Supervisors: Professor Anne West, Dr Mike Shiner
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Divya Srivastava (April 2012)
'An analysis of the determinants of access to medicines and health care in developing country settings'
Supervisors: Professor Alistair McGuire , Professor Elias Mossialos
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Adrian James (March 2012)
'The influence of intelligence-led policing models on investigative policy and practice in mainstream policing 1993-2007: division, resistance and investigative orthodoxy'
Supervisor: Professor Tim Newburn
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Denis Jones (March 2012)
'Conditions for sustainable decarceration strategies for young offenders'
Supervisors: Professor David Downes ,  Professor Tim Newburn
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Sarah Thomson (December 2011)
'Voluntary health insurance and health system performance in the European Union'
Supervisors: Professor Elias Mossialos, Professor Alistair Mcguire
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Karin Cerri (December 2011)
'Evidence, process or context? Examining the factors that drive coverage decisions of pharmaceuticals by health technology assessment bodies in Europe'
Supervisors: Professor Martin Knapp, Dr Jose Luis Fernandez
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Georgina Blanco-Mancilla (November 2011)
'Implementation of health policies in Mexico City: what factors contribute to more effective service delivery?'
Supervisors: Professor Jude Howell, Professor Anthony Hall
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Suyoung Kim (October 2011)
'The politics of struggle in a state-civil society partnership: a case study of a South Korean workfare partnership programme'
Supervisors: Professor Hartley Dean, Dr Bingqin Li
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Irene Papanicolas (September 2011)  
'The New NHS': financil incentives for quality?'
Supervisors: Professor Alistair Mcguire, Professor Elias Mossialos
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Ben Baumberg (September 2011)
'The role of increasing job strain in deteriorating fitness-for-work and rising incapacity benefit receipt'
Supervisors: Professor John Hills, Dr Tania Burchardt
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Nisrine Mansour (August 2011) 
'Governing the personal: family law and women's subjectivity in post-conflict Lebanon'
Supervisors: Professor David Lewis, Dr Hakan Seckinelgin
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Dewi Ismajani Puradiredja (June 2011) 
'Contextualising condom (non-)use by rural and urban female sex workers in Indonesia'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Rebecca Sear


Karine Chevreul (June 2011) 
'General Practitioners' Prescribing Decision Making: the case of proton pump inhibitors in France'
Supervisor: Professor Elias Mossialos


Lynne Ravenscroft (May 2011)
'Punish and be damned: judicial discretion in juvenile courts: the welfare and punishment dichotomy in England/Wales and Scotland'
Supervisors: Professor David Downes ,  Professor Tim Newburn
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Cora Peterson (May 2011)
'The consequences of formal policy links between domestic agriculture and food assistance programs: the case of the U.S. National School Lunch Program'
Supervisors: Professor Julian Le Grand , Professor Alistair McGuire


Li Lin Liang (March 2011)
'Hospital Responses to Changes in Reimbursement Methods: An Economic Analysis of Taiwan's National Health Insurance Programme'
Supervisor: Professor Alistair McGuire


Zachary Cooper (January 2011) 
'Choice, Competition and Hospital Performance: Creating Effective Incentives Within the Public Sector'
Supervisors: Professor Julian Le Grand  , Professor Alistair McGuire


Markus Ketola (January 2011) 
'Europeanisation and civil society: the early impact of EU pre-accession policies on Turkish NGOs'
Supervisors: Professor Jude Howell, Dr Armine Ishkanian
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Nebibe Varol (December 2010)
'Regulation and adoption dynamics of pharmaceutical technologies: Evidence from the OECD 1999-2008'
Supervisors: Professor Alistair McGuire, Dr Joan Costa-Font
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Yuka Uzuki (November 2010)
'Intergenerational persistence of poverty in the UK: empirical analysis of economic outcomes for people born from the 1950s to the 1980s'
Supervisors: Professor John Hills , Professor Anne West
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Wiraporn Pothisiri (October 2010)
'Postpartum care in Thailand: Experience, practice and policy'
Supervisors: Dr Ernestina Coast, Dr Arjan Gjonca
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Sotirios Vandoros (October 2010)
'Studies in pricing and competition in regulated pharmaceutical markets'
Supervisors: Dr Panos Kanavos, Professor Alistair McGuire
Read here