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    Roman Frigg to be speaker at the Notre Dame HPS Conference 2024

Roman Frigg to be speaker at the Notre Dame HPS Conference 2024

11 December 2023|

LSE Philosophy Professor Roman Frigg will speak at the upcoming HPS Annual Conference, which will take place 4-5 April 2024. Call for papers now open!

The University of Notre Dame is hosting its fifth annual History and Philosophy of Science conference. Our theme is Unity & Disunity in Science: Philosophical, Historical, and Theological Perspectives. The plenary speakers are Peter Harrison, […]

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    6th Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe) Workshop

6th Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe) Workshop

11 December 2023|

LSE Philosophy Professor Roman Frigg and colleagues are organising the 6th Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe) Workshop which will take place 17-19 June 2024. Call for papers now open!

Representations play a central role in scientists’ understanding of the world. From mathematical models to diagrams, different representations in highly varied contexts yield diverse insights across the physical, biological, and […]

First Feminist Philosophy of Physics Workshop

11 December 2023|

Francisco Calderón (University of Michigan), Laura Ruetsche (University of Michigan), Chris Mitsch (University of Pittsburgh) and Jingyi Wu (LSE Philosophy) are organising the First Feminist Philosophy of Physics Workshop which will take place 20-21 June 2024 at the University of Michigan. Call for papers are now open!

We invite submissions from scholars at all career stages to the first […]

Congratulations: 2023 MSc Prize Winners

4 December 2023|

We’re pleased to announce this year’s MSc prize winners – Congratulations to all of them!

The 2023 prize winners are:

  • Kaspar Lichtsteiner: Best Performance on the MSc Economics and Philosophy and Best Dissertation on the MSc Economics and Philosophy
  • Liz Sophie Brömmekamp: Andrea Mannu Prize – Best Performance  MSc Philosophy of the Social Sciences
  • Nicolas Lombardi: Best Dissertation on MSc Philosophy of the […]
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    “Filling the Ranks”: Moral Risk and the Ethics of Military Recruitment

“Filling the Ranks”: Moral Risk and the Ethics of Military Recruitment

4 December 2023|

Jonathan Parry (LSE Philosophy) and Christina Easton (The University of Warwick) have now published their new paper “Filling the Ranks”: Moral Risk and the Ethics of Military Recruitment in the American Political Science Review (APSR).

About the paper: If states are permitted to create and maintain a military force, by what means are they permitted to do so? This […]

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    Procedural fairness and the resilience of health financing reforms in Ukraine

Procedural fairness and the resilience of health financing reforms in Ukraine

4 December 2023|

LSE Philosophy Professor Alex Voorhoeve and colleagues have published a paper on ‘Procedural fairness and the resilience of health financing reforms in Ukraine’ in Health Policy and Planning – The journal on health policy and systems research.

About the paper: In 2017, Ukraine’s Parliament passed legislation establishing a single health benefit package for the entire population called the Programme […]

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    Criteria for the procedural fairness of health financing decisions: a scoping review

Criteria for the procedural fairness of health financing decisions: a scoping review

4 December 2023|

LSE Philosophy Professor Alex Voorhoeve and colleagues have now published their new paper ‘Criteria for the procedural fairness of health financing decisions: a scoping review’ in Health Policy and Planning – The journal on health policy and systems research.

About the paper: The road to universal health coverage (UHC) involves difficult policy choices. This paper examines how to make […]

The Philosophy of Physics journal: First issue now online!

22 November 2023|

The inaugural issue of the journal ‘Philosophy of Physics’ (PoP) has been published by LSE Press.

The open access journal, announced last year, is published by LSE Press on behalf of the Philosophy of Physics Society. Philosophy of Physics aims to be a flagship journal for the field and […]

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    New paper by LSE Professor Jonathan Birch in the Journal of Medical Ethics

New paper by LSE Professor Jonathan Birch in the Journal of Medical Ethics

22 November 2023|

LSE Professor Jonathan Birch has published his latest paper ‘Medical AI, inductive risk and the communication of uncertainty: the case of disorders of consciousness’ in the Journal of Medical Ethics

How should we manage and communicate our uncertainty when a patient with a brain injury is unresponsive – and may or may not be conscious? In his new paper, […]

Open PhD Position at LSE Philosophy

17 November 2023|

LSE Philosophy seeks to recruit one research student for a fully funded 4-year PhD degree, as part of the ‘Not in My Name!’ project. Applications close 15 January 2024.

The NIMN PhD Scholarship

The NINM project seeks to recruit one PhD student for a September 2024 start date.

The student should have an excellent undergraduate […]