
Alum of the Month - October 2024

Dr Preethaa Ganesh

The MiM programme laid a solid foundation for my professional journey, empowering me to lead with a well-rounded outlook and an innovative mindset. It has been instrumental in bridging the gap between my engineering background and the career in management that I took up.



  • Programme studied: MSc Management (MiM)
  • Year of Graduation: 2019
  • LinkedIn profile

Since completing her MSc in Management at LSE, Preethaa has driven strategic growth and innovation at Vels Group of Institutions, comprising 43 institutions, 36,000 students and 6,000 staff. She helps to foster industry-academia partnerships and empower students and faculty with cutting-edge opportunities that align with global standards. 

Current job title and description of what this role entails:

As the Vice President of Vels Group of Institutions, my role involves strategic oversight and leadership across academic and operational areas of education and healthcare institutions within the organisation

Tell us about your career journey since graduating from LSE?

After graduating from LSE, I transitioned into the family business, taking on a leadership role at Vels Group of Institutions. Initially, I focused on understanding the operational dynamics and learning the nuances of the education industry. Over time, I’ve introduced new programmes, enhanced the student and faculty experience, promoted collaborations between industry and academia, strengthened initiatives that enhance skilling and employability, and fostered international partnerships, thereby positioning Vels as a leading institution.  

During COVID, I also pursued a PhD in women entrepreneurship. This journey has not only deepened my understanding of the challenges women face in the business landscape, but also equipped me with insights to foster inclusive practices within my organisation and beyond.

How has the programme you studied helped your career since you graduated?

The MiM programme I studied at LSE has been instrumental in bridging the gap between my engineering background and the career in management that I took up. It provided me with a foundational understanding of strategic management, organisational behaviour, marketing and financial management; all of which equipped me with the confidence and skills necessary to make informed decisions in my current role. 

The exposure to a diverse and highly intellectual cohort broadened my perspectives, allowing me to appreciate different viewpoints and approaches to problem-solving. Overall, the programme laid a solid foundation for my professional journey, empowering me to lead with a well-rounded outlook and an innovative mindset. 

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve received?

The best piece of career advice I’ve received is to embrace continuous learning and adaptability. In today’s fast-evolving world, staying relevant means not just relying on what you already know, but constantly seeking new knowledge and skills. This advice has helped me navigate the dynamic landscape of education and business, encouraging me to remain open to new ideas, technology, and global trends.

What’s the greatest challenge you’ve had to overcome?

One of the most significant challenges I faced was transitioning into a leadership role within the family business while navigating the delicate balance between tradition and innovation. Taking the helm of an institution with a 30-year legacy meant honouring its established values while simultaneously driving modernisation and growth.  

Implementing new initiatives and integrating emerging technologies required me to encourage a culture of creativity and risk-taking, pushing individuals beyond their comfort zones. This change management process was not without its challenges, as I encountered resistance at times. However, these experiences taught me the critical importance of clear communication, persistence, and team alignment of a shared future vision. Balancing these elements whilst navigating the complexities of family business dynamics has proven to be a transformative learning experience. 

What are your hopes for the future?

In the future, I hope to elevate the global standing of Vels Group of Institutions by focusing on improving our rankings and expanding our global footprint. This includes enhancing our academic offerings, research output, and industry collaborations to align with the best institutions. 

Additionally, I aim to expand our scholarship programmes, making quality education more accessible to deserving students regardless of their financial background. By offering more scholarships and financial aid, we can foster a diverse and inclusive learning environment that empowers students from all walks of life to achieve their full potential. This combination of global recognition and increased accessibility will help position our institution as a leader in education, whilst giving students the tools and opportunities they need to thrive on a global stage. 

Share with us your fondest memory of the Department of Management.

One of my fondest memories of the Department of Management was my first day, when I participated in a fun treasure hunt with my classmates. It was a thrilling way to explore the vibrant streets of a new city whilst solving clues and building new friendships. I still vividly remember that I ended up walking an astonishing 30 kilometres that day! The combination of adventure and teamwork transformed it into an unforgettable initiation into life at LSE. 

Another cherished memory is our week-long study trip to Berlin. This experience provided us with immersive learning opportunities across various industries, truly bringing our coursework to life. Each evening was filled with engaging activities that further strengthened our bonds as a class during the last few days of the programme, making it an unforgettable chapter in my time at LSE. 

If you would like to be our Alum of the Month or if you would like to nominate a Department of Management alumni, please email dom.alumni@lse.ac.uk.