
External examiners comments

on programmes in the Department of International Relations

This course continues to be at the cutting edge of the discipline of International Relations, enabling students to access leading knowledge and research from across the breadth of the field.​

Comments from BSc IR External Examiners on the 2023/2024 session

External examiner A

The department’s undergraduate programme is a well-established and run very well. Core courses have been carefully revised and developed over the four years I have served as an external examiner, giving students a comprehensive and contemporary introduction to the discipline. The range and quality of elective courses are excellent, giving students the opportunity to benefit from research led teaching. Of the courses I’ve examined, IR318 Visual International Politics is a standout and one I look forward to, as the work students produce is always interesting and the creative energy encouraged through the course is a joy to see. I would also highlight the student support offered by both faculty and the professional services team, as the time and effort that is put in to ensure students can do their best work is excellent and has become a standout feature of the programme.​ 

External examiner B

​​I am impressed with the level of work submitted by students on this programme and their performance. The essay questions are varied and appropriately topical, allowing students to engage theory with real world events. ​ 

External Examiner C

The programme offers great variety of courses and appropriate assessment/examining for the courses. Students tend to do well. 

Comments from MSc IR and MSc IPE External Examiners on the 2023/2024 session

External Examiner A

MSc International Relations is an outstanding programme that combines theoretical, practical, and regional themes in highly meaningful ways, meeting the QAA Framework standards for Higher Education Qualifications. The curriculum is current, well-structured, and academically rigorous, serving as an excellent pathway to doctoral studies or preparing the students with appropriate skills for a range of relevant careers. 
Based on reviewing student coursework across six courses, student performance matches or surpasses that of comparable programs nationally and internationally. Some of the coursework is outstandingly original and a pleasure to read and assess. Assessment methods align well with learning outcomes, the marking process is fair and consistent across the board, and the moderation process is robust and worked very well this year with clear indications of disagreements and how they have been reconciled. The feedback is generally detailed, balanced and constructively worded. While there are minor variations in feedback quality across courses, these do not detract from the program's overall excellence. The only anomaly is a dissertation that I examined on account of disagreement between internal markers, and to my surprise the second marking was more accurate and the feedback much more detailed and constructive than the first marker’s.

External examiner B

​​This course continues to be at the cutting edge of the discipline of International Relations, enabling students to access leading knowledge and research from across the breadth of the field.​