What did you enjoy most about the programme?
My favourite part of being a student on this programme is the diversity of the student body. This enables us to learn beyond just the readings or lecture slides, but also from the actual conditions of what we were studying based on each others experiences in our home countries.
What are the benefits of studying in London and at the LSE?
As one of the most looked-up-on cities in the world, London offers numerous opportunities to enlarge my capacity, not only academically according to my programme, but the city also allows me to build my personal soft-skills as well as providing opportunities for leisure activities, such as the West End theatre plays that you won’t want to miss. Moreover as part of LSE, I took part in most of their learning and development opportunities, which includes: web design, public pitching, volunteering, as well as growing my interest in the inter-faith dialogue through LSE sponsored Inter-Faith trip to the Holy Land.
What was your background before studying your MSc?
I always enjoy learning a little bit of everything, thus I took International Relations for my Bachelor degree.
Has studying at the LSE positively influenced your career or study prospects?
It definitely has. I have already received some job offers even before my dissertation is complete. The reputation LSE bears has definitely meant looking for a job at home is no longer an issue for me.
What are you doing now and where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I am currently on my gap months in London while waiting for my graduation, enjoying much of life's opportunities, including interning in a London research company, enlarging my soft skills capacities, taking part in some of the LSE free wellbeing classes that I have never got a chance to experience before, volunteering, as well as deepening my spiritual life. In the next 5 years I see myself still advocating the issue of sustainable development with a focus on urban development through an inter-faith approach, advantaging from the networks and experiences I acquainted throughout my study in London.
Anything else you would like to add?
Once you become part of LSE, keep your eye closely to the Public Lectures list. Whatever your interest is, you will not want to miss the chance to see your favourite distinguished speakers, like Amartya Sen, Sir Nicholas Stern, etc.