
Unpaid care

A significant strand of CPEC's research focuses on unpaid care. Research has been undertaken on unpaid care supply for older people, employment issues faced by carers, the costs of caring for people with dementia, coping strategies for carers, and the visibility of carers. Further work is underway on unpaid carers exploring factors influencing informal care supply, and complementarity and substitutability between unpaid care and health and social care services.   

Key findings

Current studies 

CareTek: ICT use by carers of people living with dementia

CareTek aims to discover what kinds of information communication technology carers find useful, what benefits they get from it, and what additional support they would value. This will facilitate creation an evaluation instrument to assist carers, local authorities, and voluntary organisations in assessing different technologies for supporting carers.

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CASC: Supporting carers following the implementation of the Care Act 2014: eligibility, support and prevention

The CASC project is evaluating the support that carers receive from the social care system since the implementation of the Care Act 2014.

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The role of social care in supporting young adult carers

This study is looking at young people between the ages of 16 and 25 in England caring for adults to find out what difference adult social care services for the person they care for makes to their lives.

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