Margaret's long-term career background was in the NHS as a registered nurse, senior nurse and then general manager, particularly focusing on risk, patient safety and medico-legal management towards the end of her career. She has an MA in Health Law. After retiring from the NHS she ran a patient safety organisation for 10 years based at the Royal Society of Medicine. She is a life fellow and former council member and vice-president of the RSM and was responsible for setting up the first patient safety section of the society and was its first president; she remains on the section council.
While still working in the NHS Margaret became involved with the local community and voluntary sector, initially as a chair/board member of various charitable/community organisations. More recently she has become actively involved as an individual representing the views of patients, users and carers at all levels and particularly the views of carers of people with dementia and their carers. She is an occasional conference speaker on patient, user and carer issues.
She chairs an ‘Experts by Experience' carers group for carers of people with dementia. Her husband has advanced Alzheimer's disease and her mother also suffered from the disease before her death last year at the age of 102 years. Margaret has been involved with the NIHR School for Social Care Research (SSCR) since the school first set up its first user, carer, practitioner group in 2009. She currently sits on SSCR's advisory board. She is also a research advisor for PSSRU at the University of Kent.
She is a volunteer and member of the Alzheimer's Society and a member and local ambassador for Carers UK. She is a ‘Dementia Champion' and delivers information sessions to sign up participants to become ‘Dementia Friends'