
Media at IAMCR 2019

LSE Media and Communications at IAMCR Madrid 2019

Congratulations to all our current and former academic and research staff and PhD students for a highly successful IAMCR Conference in Madrid  

Communication, Technology and Human Dignity: Disputed Rights, Contested Truths

School of Communication, UCM, 7-11 July 2019

(LSE current or former staff in bold; * Current PhD Student, ** Former PhD Student)

Omar Al-Ghazzi ‘The Temporality of Activism, Journalism & Exile at Times of Conflict’, Journalism Research and Education Section

Ludmila Lupinacci Amaral*, ‘Experiences of Liveness: Theorising Audiences’ Engagements with Connective Media as Senorially Perceived and Discursively Shaped’, Audience Section

Nick Couldry and Ulises Mejias ‘Big Data – Are we all subalterns in the new data colonialism?’ Special Session: Big Data and Datafication: Taking Seriously Perspectives from the Global South

Nick Couldry - Discussant – Rethinking Dignity, Technology and Power with Disability: New Frontiers in Rights, Representation and Social Being, Communication Policy and Technology Section

Nick Couldry - Discussant – Pushing Boundaries: On Creativity as an Essential Toolkit for Professional and Academic Practices, Journalism Research and Education Section

Lee Edwards and Nancy Thumin**, University of Leeds, ‘International Student Experience and the Importance of Voice’ Media Education and Research Section.

Myria Georgiou and Deena Dajani ‘Infinite Difference, Limited Recognition: Digital Makings of the City of Refuge’, Diaspora and Media Working Group

Kathryn Higgins* ‘Power to Pronounce: Multivocality and Contestation in Television News Representations of Crime and Policing in Australia’, Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication Working Group 

Gyorgyi Horvath* ‘Feminism on the Internet and on Television News: Negotiating the Boundaries of Public Morality with Regard to Domestic Violence in the New Media Era in Hungary, 2012-13’. Gender and Communication Section 

Sebastian Lehuede*, Funda Ustek-Spilda and Alison Powell, ‘From Values to Things: A Materiality-Focused Inquiry of the Ethics of the Internet of Things’, Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication Working Group 

Sonia Livingstone, Mariya Stoilova and Rishita Nandagiri*, ‘Data and Privacy Literacy: The Role of the School in Educating Children for a Datafied Society’ Media Research and Education Section 

Sonia Livingstone - Discussant, Audience Section Panel: Audience Research in Children, Youth and Media: Are the Right Questions Being Asked? 

Robin Mansell ‘The Challenge of Tackling Digital Platform Power: Colliding Evidentiary Paradigms’ ICA Partner Session: Truth, Trust and Populism: Challenges for Media and Communication Research

Robin Mansell ‘Denaturalising Digital Platforms: Is Mass Individualisation Here to Stay?’ Communication Policy and Technology Section

Robin Mansell ‘Nexus between Technology Developments and Public Values Framed and Embedded in Different National Regulatory Arrangements’, Global Media Policy Working Group 

Robin Mansell ‘Digital Platform Policy and Regulation: The Problem of the Moral Limits of the Market’, Preconference: Research, Evidence and Democratic Governance of the Media Sector

Robin Mansell - Discussant: Emerging Scholars’ Perspectives on ICT Policy, Emerging Scholars Network

João Carlos Magalhães* ‘Voice as Silencing: Algorithmic Visibility, Recognition Costs and the Rise of Ordinary Authoritarian Voices in Brazil’ Participatory Communication Research Section

George Maier* ‘Formations of the Unequal Subject in the Online Platform Economy’, Digital Divide Working Group

Eleonora Mazzoli* ‘Power Dynamics Between Online Audiences and Television Distribution Platforms: Who is Disrupting Whom?’, Political Economy Section

Bingchun Meng ‘This is China’s Sputnik Moment: The Politics and Poetics of Artificial Intelligence’ Communication Policy and Technology Section

Gianfranco Polizzi* ‘What Digital Experts’ Strategies to Engage With and Evaluate Online Content Tell Us About How to Promote Digital Literacy Through the National Curriculum in the United Kingdom’, Media Research and Education Section

Richard Stupart* ‘Funds, Flights, Affects: Conflict Reporting in South Sudan’, Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication Working Group

Wendy Willems ‘Digital Development Imaginaries, Informal Business Practices and the Platformisation of Digital Technology in Zambia’, International Communication Section

Funda Ustek-Spilda and Alison Powell, ‘Will Technology Really Save Us? Socio-Technical Imaginations of Social Good and Justice in Internet of Things’. Ethics of Society and Ethics of Communication Working Group

Hao Wu* ‘Family Generated Content and the Mediated Construction of Family Relationships: An Ethnographic Case Study on an Extended Chinese Family’, Audience Section


Former LSE Department of Media and Communications staff, visitors and former PhD students

Gregory Asmolov **, King’s College London. ‘From “Sofa” to Frontline: The Digital Mediation and Domestication of Warfare’, Crisis, Security and Conflict Communication Working Group

Niall Brennan**, Fairfield University US, ‘Unravelling Diaspora and Hybridity in Brazil: The Importance of Geopolitical Context in Analyzing Global Postcolonial Space’, Diaspora and Media Working Group

Niall Brennan ** Fairfield University US ‘Brazilian Television Drama in a Bolsonaro Era: Rights, Truths, Regression’, Popular Culture Working Group

Indrek Ibrus ** and Ulrike Rohn, Tallinn University ‘National Cross-Innovation Systems vs Platformization: Very Small and Very Large Media Enterprises Co-Innovating with Tourism, Education and Health Care’, Media Production Analysis Working Group

Mehita Iqani** University of Witwatersrand, Chair Communicating Gendered Luxury in Africa Gender and Communications Section

Cesar Jimenez-Martinez**, Loughborough University ‘Superman Will Not Save You (Unless I Allow It): Examining the Role of Foreign Media in Bolsonaro’s Brazil’, Journalism Research and Education Section

Dina Matar**, SOAS, ‘Situated Journalistic Practices in Times of Flux’ Journalism Research and Education Section

Carolina Matos ‘Feminism, Development and Online Activism in the Digital Age’ (former LSE Fellow), Journalism Research and Education Section 

Cecilia Claro, Isabel Pavez **, Universidad de los Andes, and Julian Burgos, ‘‘Tensiones y negociaciones: El uso de redes sociales en familias transnacionales latinas’ Diaspora and Media Working Group

Maria Bakardjieva, Isabel Pavez **, Los Andes University of Chile, Van Pham, Teresa Correa ‘Internet Use Genres: A Lens for Analyzing Similar Patterns of Internet Adoption in Rural Canada, Chile, and Vietnam’ Rural Communication Working Group

Corinne Schweizer, University of Zurich ‘Policies for Gender Equality in Public Service Media: What Switzerland Can Learn from other European countries’ (former LSE Fellow), Public Service Media Policies Working Group

Vivi Theodoropoulou ** and Stelios Stylianou, Cyprus University of Technology ‘Audiences’ Experience with Netflix: A Case of Emancipation and Control?’ Audience Section

Panayiota Tsatsou **, University of Leicester, ‘Digital Inclusion Fighting Disability Stigma? Opportunities, Barriers and Recommendations’ Digital Divide Working Group

Olga Tsoumani and Shanja van der Graaf **, imec-SMIT-VUB, ‘Developing a Methodology for Understanding Urgan Behaviour: Putting Citizens in the Focus by Integrating Urban Data and Urban Citizen Dimensions’ Communication Policy and Technology Section

Tony Wilson ‘Participatory Hermeneutic Practices: The Reflective Consumer’ (Visiting Senior Research Fellow), Participatory Communication Research Section

Rafal Zaborowski **, King’s College London, ‘The Metafication of Music: Challenges of Capturing Audience Experiences as Data’, Audience Section