Red lantern

PwC Chinese New Year event 2016


Feb 10, 2016 – PwC CNY

On 12 Feb 2016, the Confucius Institute for Business London, CIBL, successfully held a Chinese Business Culture Day at PwC’s Embankment Office to celebrate the Chinese new year of the Sheep. Over one hundred staff members joined the event. Various cultural activities were organized and CIBL staff; Ms Li Man, Ms Zheng Han, and Ms Guan Yuchen demonstrated Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting and many of the PwC staff were fascinated by the unique art of Chinese writing. CIBL did an excellent job presenting Chinese language and culture while informing the participants about the Tsinghua Summer Camp and Chinese language learning opportunities. There was a great deal of positive feedback from the attendees, including senior partners of the company. Guests left with a better understanding of CIBL's activities and many of them expressed a strong interest in traditional Chinese New Year culture or joining future events.

2016年2月10日,新春第三天,伦敦商务孔子学院在PwC Embankment Office开展了春节文化体验系列活动,现场共有将近100名员工参与其中,向PwC的员工传播了中华文化的独特魅力。商务孔子学院的4位老师热情地向员工们介绍春节的文化习俗以及中国的国画和书法。老师们在现场书写“福”字赠送给公司员工,并教他们用毛笔写自己的中文名字。国画牡丹、梅花也为活动增色不少。老师们还利用这一机会介绍了CIBL的商务汉语课程、CIBL 的“清华暑期汉语项目”、CIBL 的商务文化讲座等等。员工们对这样的文化体验活动非常感兴趣,许多人表示希望参加CIBL的暑期项目,进一步体验中国文化。