Mr Milton  Chow

Mr Milton Chow

PhD Student

Department of International History

Key Expertise
Modern World History

About me

Milton Chow is a full-time PhD candidate in International History, specialising in empire and diplomacy in the 19th and 20th centuries. His research focuses on international responses to the East Asian crises leading to the Second World War, predominantly exploring the role of the settler Dominions of the British Empire, namely Canada and Australia, and their effects on imperial institutions and the Dominions' autonomy and assertiveness in international relations.

Milton was born in Vancouver, Canada, and grew up in Hong Kong. He holds a BA in History from the University of Toronto, and an MSc in International and Asian History from the London School of Economics. His research is being supervised by Professor Antony Best, one of the leading experts on Anglo-Japanese diplomacy.

Provisional thesis title: "The Imperial Dimension in Pacific Diplomacy: Britain, the Dominions, and East Asia in the 1930s"

Expertise Details

Modern World History