
About the Syllabus Hub on Climate Change and Sustainability

Convening the world on climate change and sustainability

About the Climate Change and Sustainability Syllabus Hub 

The Phelan United States Centre’s new Syllabus Hub on Climate Change and Sustainability was born out of an aspiration to build a comprehensive base of high-quality knowledge surrounding climate change and sustainability topics. This is a resource for students, researchers, and academics both at LSE and abroad. 

It collates syllabi – including reading lists, lesson plans, and lecture slides – from reputable institutions across the United States, and the educators within who generously individually donated their syllabi. Without them, the project could not be possible. 

Who is the Climate Change and Sustainability Syllabus Hub for?

Anyone educating others about climate change, sustainability and the US. Creating a new syllabus can be a challenge - whether you are an educator teaching courses at the undergraduate or graduate level, you can use the Climate Change and Sustainability Syllabus Hub to see best practice on related topics from across the world, and take inspiration from the syllabi provided when designing your own. We encourage users to look outside their own disciplines on the syllabus hub; many of the syllabuses featured are also interdisciplinary in nature.

How to use the Syllabus Hub 

Syllabi are divided into their broad disciplines, and within its respective category is made visible through collapsing the drop-down box for each syllabus’ name. There, you can see the name of the educator who donated it, a few keywords let you know what is contained therein, and a link to download or visit the syllabus. For example, if you are searching for economics syllabi, you would first go to ‘Social Sciences’ and scroll until you see ‘Economics’ in italics before the courses’ names. 

All syllabi featured have been uploaded with express permission of their respective creators. 

Please note: All syllabi are the copyright of their authors, unless otherwise noted.

Want to submit your syllabus or find out more?

The Syllabus Hub is a long-term project, and we would like to encourage academics and educators working on climate change and sustainability issues as they relate to the US to send contribute their syllabi or educational materials.

To submit a syllabus or multiple syllabi, please use this form, or contact us at If you are a syllabus contributor and want to have your submitted syllabus amended or removed, please contact us at

The Syllabus Hub Team and the LSE Sustainable Project Fund

The Syllabus Hub project was conceived of by the Phelan US Centre Director, Professor Peter Trubowitz, and led by Chris Gilson, Managing Editor of USAPP, the Phelan US Centre's daily blog on US politics and policy. Honour Astill (BSc Politics) supported the project as part of the Centre’s Undergraduate Research Assistantship programme, which encourages US-related interdisciplinary research collaborations between academics and undergraduate students at LSE. This support for the project was thanks to a generous grant from the LSE Sustainable Project Fund, which is run by the LSESU Sustainable Futures Society with support from LSE's sustainability team. The project was also supported by Joss Harrison, the Centre Assistant at the LSE Phelan United States Centre. 


The Phelan US Centre would like to acknowledge the advice of Jeff Colgan, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Director of the Climate Solutions Lab at the Watson Institute for Public and International Affairs at Brown University and runs the Syllabus Bank at the Climate Solutions Lab.

Further resources

  • Syllabus Bank at the Climate Solutions Lab at the Watson Institute for Public and International Affairs at Brown University
  • Teaching and Learning Environmental Justice, includes teaching and curriculum materials meant to be used as a meaningful resource and provide guidance for teaching environmental justice in impactful and respectful ways. 

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LSE US Centre, Centre Building, 10th Floor, , 2 Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AD