
Global Survey

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The Inclusion Initiative at the London School of Economics (LSE) is proud to collaborate with Protiviti on a three-year study about generations in the workforce. The study provides organisations with specific, data-driven insights to increase productivity across the various generations of the workforce.

The GENERATIONS Global Annual Survey draws on the experiences of workers, managers, directors and C-suite executives to understand ‘what matters’ in driving productivity and talent retention across generations. The survey for 2024 has now closed, but we invite you to subscribe to the TII newsletter for our next GENERATIONS Global Annual Survey.

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As a leader committed to building an employee experience that maximises
intergenerational inclusion and productivity, backed by the latest insights, we invite you to become a strategic partner. As a strategic partner, you will receive deep insights on your organisation and its operations benchmarked against other organisations around the globe. You will also benefit from specific actions you can take to improve productivity.

Contact us to find out more.