Alexander Jake Davies

Alexander Jake Davies

PhD candidate

Department of International Relations

Key Expertise
Foreign Policy; US Politics; Alliance Politics

About me

Alexander is a PhD candidate in LSE's Department of International Relations. He is Deputy Editor of Millenium: Journal of International Studies for Vol. 53.

Alexander's research, supervised by Professor Peter Trubowitz and Dr Luca Tardelli, focuses on the impact of domestic politics on the maintenance of inter-state alliances. He has previously worked as a research assistant to Dr Theresa Squatrito examining the purposeful de-legitimation of the ICTY and KSC war crime tribunals. He maintains a broader academic interest in US politics, international security, and secession.

Alexander holds an MSc in International Relations (with Distinction) from LSE, and a BA in Politics and International Relations (First Class) from the University of Nottingham, Malaysia. He has previously worked on LSE's Community Engagement Programme as a volunteer consultant. Before joining LSE, Alexander founded and directed a UK-based environment design business and has over ten years of experience in the environment design industry.

Research topic

The Bipolar Behemoth: Domestic Divisions and Alliance Politics

Academic supervisors

Peter Trubowitz

Luca Tardelli

Research Cluster affliation

Security and Statecraft Research Cluster


Expertise Details

Foreign Policy; US Politics; Alliance Politics