Albert Cullell Cano

Albert Cullell Cano

PhD candidate

Department of International Relations

Office Hours
Fridays 1.30-2.30pm, CBG.8.18 (Please book through StudentHub)
Connect with me

Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Key Expertise
Critical Peacebuilding Studies, Psychoanalysis, Conflict, Nationalism

About me

Albert C Cano is a PhD candidate in International Relations at LSE, funded with an LSE PhD Studentship. He is Editor of Millennium: Journal of International Studies for Vol 52, and Associate Editor from November 2023.

In the past he has been invited as guest lecturer on Northern Ireland and the Troubles, his thesis subject, for Michigan State University students to a summer programme for Accent Global Learning. He has also been Research Analyst at London Politica, publishing geopolitical risk analysis and reports with a focus on South-East Asia and the Indo-Pacific. Additionally, he has held positions as a Research Assistant at the research project 'Socioeconomics of Islamist Radicalisation in the West' (SOCIR) under Dr Steffen Herzog (hosted at the department of Government at LSE); and at the ERC-funded research project ‘States, Nationalism, and the Relationship between Ethnic Diversity and Public Goods Provision’ (ETHNICGOODS), hosted by the Institut Barcelona Estudis Internationals (IBEI). Finally, he has participated in the inter-university research Cluster of Excellence ‘Contestations of the Liberal Scripts - SCRIPTS’, hosted by Freie Universität Berlin. There he published his Master’s thesis as a working paper about Chinese peacebuilding.

He holds an MSc in International Security from IBEI, during which he undertook an exchange programme in Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. He also holds MAs in Contemporary Philosophy and Pedagogy, and BAs in Philosophy and English Studies, from the Universitat de Barcelona.

Research topic

Liberal Peacebuilding, Transgenerational Trauma, and National Identity Formation in Post-Brexit Northern Ireland

Drawing on critical theory and Lacanian IR, his research critically intervenes in the intersection among liberal peacebuilding policies, transgenerational trauma, and national identity formation. Thus, he intends to apply this political-psychological theory-building to peacebuilding efforts in Northern Ireland from 1998 to the present, showcasing the role of Brexit in foregrounding the failure of reconciliation between the two communities in the region.

Teaching experience

  • 2023-2024: IR349/422 Conflict and Peacebuilding (LSE)

Academic supervisor

Mark Hoffman

Research Cluster affiliation

Security and Statecraft Research Cluster

Theory/Area/History Research Cluster



Expertise Details

Critical Theory; Poststructuralism; Lacanian Psychoanalysis; Žižek; Liberal internationalism; Peacebuilding; Conflict resolution; National identity formation; Nationalism; Northern Ireland; Brexit; UK politics; Chinese foreign policy.

My research