HSBC Mid-Autumn Festival


Oct-4-2017 HSBC mid-autumn festivalOn 4 October 2017, the Confucius Institute for Business London (CIBL) and HSBC successfully held a Mid-autumn event at HSBC headquarter Canary Wharf.

Over 70 staff have registered the event. A senior manager at HSBC, Ms Li, addressed the welcome speech to all the guests. CIBL deputy director, Dr Hong LU, OBE, gave a brief introduction on the importance for businessman to understanding Chinese language as well as the culture and its relevance to a successful global communication.

A representative who joined in Tsinghua Young Leaders Summer Programme this year shared his unforgettable experience in Beijing. After two weeks in Tsinghua, he had not only expanded his network with managers from all trades of life but also became the “Chinese guru” among his friends.

The attendees were enthusiastic about the range of traditional Chinese culture activities specifically designed for them by CIBL staff. Within a short period of time, they were given a wonderful introduction to Chinese language, tea ceremony, painting, calligraphy, fortune telling and other aspects of Chinese culture.

2017年10月4日,由伦敦商务孔子学院(CIBL)与汇丰银行(HSBC)合办的中秋酒会,在Canary Whalf的汇丰银行总部如期举行。

酒会开场,由汇丰银行高级主管李女士主持,她表示伦敦商务孔院在汇丰银行开设的商务汉语课程一直都深受欢迎 。伦敦商务孔子学院副院长、大英帝国官佐勋章获得者卢红博士代表孔院感谢汇丰银行的支持,她表示汉语在国际商业往来中变得日益重要, 汇丰银行一向是伦敦商务孔子学院的重要合作伙伴, 希望在未来双方的合作继续巩固提升。


本次酒会是伦敦商务孔院推动的“欢度中秋”系列活动之一, 得到HSBC中国业务发展部的大力支持。通过前期宣传,当日酒会有七十余名汇丰银行员工注册参加。伦敦商务孔子学院为在场的嘉宾们精心设计了中国书画、茶艺、卜卦赏诗等活动。大家反响热烈,纷纷排队体验具有中国特色的东方风情。

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