Children at school


Education and skills development, Youth and Civic Engagement are key areas for building more inclusive, democratic and sustainable societies. Improving the research, programmes, policies and practices on these themes can contribute to better educational outcomes, more social and gender equality and stronger democracies.

We help businesses, governments, and educational institutions understand the effectiveness of their programmes and policies and decode the larger ecosystem in which they operate

Education and skills

The education and skills sectors face increasingly complex challenges from primary education to Vocational Education and Training (VET) and adult learning. In primary and secondary education, this relates to increasing the engagement and motivation of students, developing their digital literacy and skills, addressing diverse learning needs and training teachers and school leaders. In higher education, being responsive to public interest and needs, ensuring the sustainability of research, creating productive links with diverse industries in the private sector and looking after its own internal development, are some factors which shape the dynamics within this sector. In Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Adult Learning, the lack of funding, shortage of teachers and the skills gaps in various sectors put additional pressure to VET and Adult Learning.


Youth policy is all about creating a brighter future for young people as they transition from childhood to adulthood. From education and employment to health and well-being, youth policy is vital for ensuring that young people have the tools and resources they need to thrive.

However, creating effective youth policy can be challenging. Lack of data and research on the needs and perspectives of young people, competing priorities with other policy areas, limited funding, and difficulty in effectively engaging and consulting with young people are just some of the hurdles that need to be overcome when designing youth policy.

Civic Engagement 

Civic engagement encompasses the active involvement of individuals within their communities, fostering collective participation in decision-making processes. This engagement presents both challenges and opportunities for policymakers and organisations alike. Challenges often revolve around fostering inclusivity, ensuring diverse representation, and overcoming apathy or disconnection from civic affairs. However, within these challenges lie opportunities to cultivate a more vibrant democracy, leveraging diverse perspectives for innovative solutions and policy-making that truly reflects societal needs. The EYCE Hub is uniquely positioned to support clients in navigating these complexities. We specialise in identifying best practices, and evaluating democratic innovations, such as digital participatory processes and citizens' assemblies, offering tailored strategies based on rigorous analysis and research. Our expertise ensures amplified voices and a more engaged, responsive society.

The EYCE Hub

In responding to these challenges, it is now more critical than ever that decisionmakers base their actions on the best available data and insights. With the support of the EYCE Hub, policymakers and stakeholders can overcome these challenges and make a real impact.

The EYCE Hub offers a range of resources and expertise to help businesses, governments, educational institutions and third-sector organisations understand the effectiveness of their programmes and policies and decode the larger ecosystem in which they operate so they can make informed decisions and create meaningful change.

We unpack and tackle questions such as: 

  • How can higher education improve international student integration and experience?
  • What is the role of the higher education sector in the socio-economic landscape of your country/region?
  • How can governments design more inclusive participatory processes?
  • How do social mobility and childhood experiences lead to different success outcomes at school?
  • Did your citizen's assembly achieve its goals?
  • Did a given education programme meet its objectives?
  • What are the needs, concerns and hopes of young people in your country/region? How can policymaking take them into account?
  • How can institutions design participatory programmes that meaningfully involve the youth?

Our key strengths


Direct insight and connections in higher education 

The EYCE Hub is in a unique position to analyse and understand the higher education environment and its stakeholders. As part of The London School of Economics and Political Science, we are familiar with the key institutional processes happening across higher education institutions in the UK and internationally.


Critical networks

As a top-ranked higher education institution founded more than 125 years ago, we offer valuable networks with research organisations and professionals that enable collaboration, sharing of best practices and sector insights.


Methodological rigour

Our teams are formed by academics and highly experienced practitioners trained in a great variety of methodologies, which they use in their research and consultancy work, ensuring that results are accessible to different types of audiences.


Participative approaches

When addressing education, youth and civic engagement challenges, it is essential to actively listen to and engage with the people affected (young people, citizens, educators, training providers, learners, etc.). The EYCE Hub uses participative approaches in its research projects to boost the relevance and applicability of our findings.