

Behavioural science is a powerful tool for ‘nudging’ people towards positive decisions

Why behavioural science?

Behavioural science is an interdisciplinary field bridging economics, psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and political science. Drawing on a broad range of theory, research, and methodologies, behavioural science provides insights into human behaviour and interaction with the social environment. 

Behavioural science is a powerful tool for ‘nudging’ people towards positive decisions. As with any tool, its impact depends on how it is used. Recognising its value, governments and other organisations are increasingly using insights from the behavioural sciences to “nudge” people towards better decisions, from investing in retirement to improving airline employee safety habits. Yet, a growing body of literature has highlighted key ethical challenges that have not been widely addressed in practice.

The Behavioural Science Capacity Hub has been set up and developed by Professor Liam Delaney (Head of Department, Psychological and Behavioural Science, LSE) to help organisations leverage behavioural science insights. Building on years of experience investigating the ethical dimensions of nudging, the Behavioural Science Capacity Hub centres ethical frameworks in all its work (e.g., FORGOOD).

Professor Delaney offers capacity building and training for organisations and governments in a wide range of fields including law, financial services, pharmaceuticals, and technology.

Building Capacity

Consulting firms often focus on designing, implementing, and testing behavioural science applications, rather than enabling their clients to do so themselves. However, governments and organisations (e.g., Swiss Re, Google, Facebook, Walmart) are gaining interest in developing internal behavioural science teams so they can continue leveraging insights into the future. The Behavioural Science Capacity Hub empowers organisations to establish their own internal capacity.

Learn more about our capacity building here.

Training Executives and Managers

Drawing on cutting-edge research in behavioural science, Professor Delaney translates academic insights into practical concepts and tools to improve decision-making, administrative processes, and organisational outcomes. He has delivered executive leadership training in a wide range of organisations including the United Nations, OECD, UNICEF, Dublin Airport Authority, and the Irish National Public Health Emergency Team on COVID-19. 

Learn more about our training here.